Chapter 20 My decision is...

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Sophia's POV


I was woken up by the sound of Connor on his drums. I laid on my back for a while just thinking about everything that was going on today, I finally made my decision about what I want to do and I was going to tell everyone that I was going to go back to California today. Honestly I was kinda scared about how my adopted parents would react but mostly happy and excited for what the future was going to bring living in America!

I picked my phone up and saw a message from Amy, "I will pick you up at 10 x" oh yeah I totally forgot I had a check up at the doctors today and Amy was taking me as my parents were busy. I got out of bed and went into my adopted parents room but they weren't in there so I went to ask Connor. I knocked on his door several times, each time knocking harder, but I guess he couldn't hear me over the racket he was making. I opened his door and he immediately stopped what he was doing. "Do you know where mum and dad are?" I asked, "uhh, I think they went grocery shopping" he said with a plain expression on his face. "Oh ok" I said shutting his door. I quickly swung his door open again "OH by the way I have a doctors appointment and Amy is picking me up at 10 so your going to be alone for a while" I said shutting his door before walking into the bathroom to take a shower.

I was sat on the sofa in the living room scrolling through Twitter when I heard a car horn outside. I turned to see it was Amy, I got up and quickly grabbed my bag before calling up the stairs to Connor.

I got into the car as Amy looked over and smiled, "hey!"

"Hey, you ok?" I asked

"Yeah good, you?"

"Good" I said with a smile. She started the engine and we made our way to the appointment.

Once we were there we went up to the reception. "Hi um I have an appointment with Dr. Elliot" I said to the receptionist, "okay, what's your name?"

"Sophia Henderson"

"Okay take a seat he will call you in shortly" she replied looking up from her computer with a smile. Me and Amy walked through to the waiting room and took a seat.

The doctor was running usual! Me and Amy just sat there talking for about 20 minutes until we finally got called in. We walked past many rooms until we found room 7 with the name 'Dr. Elliot' printed underneath.

"Take a seat" he said spinning around in his chair. I sat in the chair nearest to him with Amy the other side. "So how have you been feeling?" He asked looking at me.

"Well their isn't much pain in my chest anymore and I only get headaches occasionally" I answered. He turned to his computer and typed something up.

"Okay could you lay down on the bed for me" I got up and laid on the bed covered in the weird tissue stuff.

"Okay I'm going to feel your ribs and then start putting some pressure, tell me if you feel any pain."

I laid there for a while with him feeling my ribs and there was nothing, no pain at all which was good! "Okay you may take a seat again" he said going back to his computer typing again. I sat up and smile at Amy before going and sitting in the chair again. We sat there in silence just waiting for him to say something. He finally did "you seemed to have recovered well and the transfer has gone through so you will be seen by Dr. Payne in a doctors surgery in California and your first appointment will be within the first 2 week of you being there" he said looking at me smiling. I turned to see Amy, she looked confused but her facial expressions started to change. She looked at me "your coming back with us?!?!" She asked. "Yep, I'm going to tell everyone today but know one can know just yet, I want to make it a surprise!" She squealed with excitement before pulling me in for a hug. I turned back to the doctor. "thank you" I said before we got up and left.

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