Infatuation - Chapter 1

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"Have you thought about getting knotted?" asked Jungwon to me. I was flustered at his question and didn't knew how to react and i stuttered infront of him.

I don't usually react like this but this question was sudden.


"I mean have you?" I asked back and he nodded, my eyes widened at that and Jungwon noticed that giving his sheepish smile to me.

"You and Jay hyung already knotted? Ya.. were you on pills or not?" I asked concerned since he always told me he doesn't want to get pregnant and he wants to give it some time before he is ready to start a family.

"I was. We talked about this and you know that Jay hyung is really understanding."

I was worried for my bestfriend but seems like Jay hyung is really caring and that's one of the reason why I see him as my big brother.

We are in our third year of college. Me and Jungwon is the only omega in our friend circle. When we entered the college it was only us but soon we met Niki who became friends with us and he introduced us to his other friends.

There i met Jay hyung who immediately pursued Jungwon and because of him being a dominant Alpha, Jungwon was intrigued by this. He always told me how he wanted a dominant Alpha in his life and start a life with him, to him Jay hyung is just like that.

Even i have noticed his dominant behaviour towards Jungwon and i recall the day he released his pheromones only to keep Jungwon in control since he got jealous over a boy who approached him infront of Jay hyung.

I asked him if he is okay with this much controlling behaviour of Jay hyung and he said he likes it when the older one is jealous and controls him.

He is weird and kinky, he even told me about the first time they had sex and they just didn't knotted.

"Were you on your heat when you knotted?" I asked him and he nodded again.

It's been over a year since they are dating.

We omega's get in our heat cycle after every 3 months. When I entered the college i found out more about Omega and Alpha relationship, how they can impregnate an omega during their heat.

Also I learned how to differentiate between a good alpha pheromones and a bad alpha pheromones.

I have been craving for an Alpha's pheromones continuously from these past months and i knew the only Alpha who can fulfill my desire is always very close to me.

I have already went into my heat cycle more then twice. It's wasn't that hard for me to control at first but in my second heat, i almost couldn't control it. I stayed in my room hidden for a week until my heat ended.

Surrounded by dominant Alpha even though they are my friends it's still hard for me to adjust at the gaze of one particular person.

Sunghoon hyung. He is tall and handsome and a caring Alpha that every Omega wants but still i find it hard to approach him.

His aggressive behaviour towards other Alpha's expect his friends seems quite severe and unpleasant.

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