Knotting - Chapter 8

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Warning 🔞 :- Mature content.


The auditorium was buzzing with excitement as students, parents, and teachers gathered for graduation day.

Sunoo scanned the crowd, his eyes landing on Sunghoon sitting a few rows ahead. His Alpha looked a little uncomfortable, fidgeting in his seat. Sunoo knew Sunghoon's rut was approaching soon, just as his own heat would arrive in tandem.

As an Omega, Sunoo was attuned to his Alpha's needs and feelings. He could smell Sunghoon's pheromones radiating off him. Sunoo made his way over, concern furrowing his brow.

"Are you okay? If you're not feeling well, you should go rest." Sunoo suggested, worry evident in his voice.

Sunghoon gave him a weak smile, patting his Omega's head affectionately.

"I'll be alright. But what about you? Will you be okay for the ceremony?"

Sunoo nodded, touched by his Alpha's concern even when he was the one struggling. Sunghoon's eyes roamed over Sunoo possessively, the impending rut heightening his Alpha instincts. Sunoo felt a thrill go through him under Sunghoon's heated gaze.

They took their seats as the ceremony began. In a while, Sunoo's name was called, he walked across the stage confidently, accepting his diploma with a wide grin. His friends Jungwon and Niki following him behind.

After the ceremony, Sunoo hugged his friends excitedly amidst the flurry of graduation caps tossed in celebration. Heeseung, Jay, and Jake had come to support them too.

To Sunoo's surprise, Sunghoon's sister even presented him with a beautiful flower bouquet, congratulating him on his achievement.

Sunoo practically glowed with joy, so happy to be graduating. Yet even in his excitement, he kept attuned to Sunghoon's needs, the Omega side of him caring for his Alpha's comfort.

He saw and noticed his Alpha's gaze following him possessively, both already craving the impending intimacy during the upcoming rut of Sunghoon and Sunoo's heat.

As their graduation day came to an end, Sunoo, Jungwon, and Niki decided to join their friends at the restaurant they had booked for the celebratory dinner.

Sunoo sat in the car with Sunghoon, whose strong Alpha pheromones permeated the small space, indicating the onset of his rut.

"Are you sure you want to join the dinner?" Sunoo asked with concern, placing a gentle hand on Sunghoon's. As an Omega nearing his heat, Sunoo knew the dangers of being surrounded by his Alpha in pre-rut.

Sunghoon's eyes trailed down Sunoo's body, lingering on his thighs.

"I can control myself enough, for you." he murmured, voice husky with desire. His large hand grasped Sunoo's thigh, fingers tracing higher, eliciting a soft gasp from the Omega. Sunoo's eyes fluttered shut, cheeks flushing as he reveled in his Alpha's touch.

Before reaching further into the act of intimacy, Sunghoon reluctantly pulled his hand away with Sunoo letting out a shaky breath, arousal and trepidation swirling within him.

"Sweet." Sunghoon growled approvingly, inhaling Sunoo's sweet pheromones. He started the car, the short ride to the restaurant suddenly feeling much longer as they both struggled to suppress their instincts.

Stealing glances at each other, they knew they wouldn't be able to resist for much longer. The intensity of their impending rut and heat was becoming undeniable.

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