Promise - Chapter 7

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Warning :- Mature content 🔞


"Please wait -"

Sunoo's protest died on his lips as Sunghoon suddenly crushed their mouths together in a punishing kiss. His fist tangled roughly in his Alpha's shirt, nearly tearing the fabric as Sunghoon hauled Sunoo against his chest.

Sunoo's eyes watered at the brutal intensity of it, Sunghoon's lips demanding and forceful as they slanted over his own.

The Alpha kissed him with feverish urgency, while the smaller one struggled to match his Alpha's punishing pace, their teeth clacking together as the older plundered his mouth relentlessly.

Sunoo tried to keep up with the brutality of the kiss, soft moans muffled by the bruising pressure of Sunghoon's lips. He clutched at his Alpha's shoulders, gasping for air whenever Sunghoon briefly broke the kiss only to dive back in, kissing his Omega within an inch of his life.

Despite the almost violent passion behind it, Sunoo sensed the shift in his Alpha's pheromones. Underneath the heady scent of lust was a soothing blanket of calm and need.

Sunoo focused on that, on the intoxicating smell of his Alpha, even as Sunghoon continued kissing him raw, he yielded to the rough caress of Sunghoon's mouth, letting his possessive Alpha take what he needed.

Sunghoon's strong arms wrapped around his Omega's petite frame, lifting him effortlessly as their lips crashed together in a fiery kiss. Sunoo gasped into the Alpha's mouth, clutching at his broad shoulders as Sunghoon maneuvered them towards the bed.

With a dominant growl, Sunghoon pushed the Omega down onto the soft mattress, his muscular body caging Sunoo beneath him.

"Hyung, i didn't took any medicine." Sunoo's eyes widened, his heart racing as he watched Sunghoon begin to undress. His deft fingers made quick work of the buttons on his shirt before shrugging it off, revealing his toned chest and abs.

Sunoo's mouth went dry at the sight, gulping audibly. Sunghoon's hands moved to his belt next, unbuckling it slowly as his heated gaze raked over the nervous omega.

"Take off your clothes." Sunghoon commanded, his voice low and gravelly with desire. Sunoo shuddered at the intensity in his Alpha's eyes but obeyed, peeling off his shirt and shorts. He instinctively moved to cover himself, cheeks flushing under Sunghoon's scrutiny.

A rumbling growl left Sunghoon's chest as he took in the sight of his Omega's naked form laid out before him.

His smirk devilish as he pressed his hard, muscular body against Sunoo's delicate frame, rough hands eagerly roaming across Sunoo's silky skin. He pinched one pink, perked nipple hard between his fingers, making Sunoo gasp, before closing his mouth over the other, sucking and nipping at the sensitive bud without mercy.

Sunoo cried out in blissful agony, his back arching off the bed at the exquisite mixture of pain and pleasure. Sunghoon's skilled tongue swirled around the aching nub as he continued tweaking and pulling at it's twin, tormenting them both.

Sunoo was lost in a haze of sensation, moaning wantonly and writhing in ecstasy beneath his powerful Alpha. Every nerve was alight with desire as Sunghoon played his body like a fine-tuned instrument.

Sunoo trembled beneath him, soft whimpers spilling from his lips as Sunghoon's hands and mouth explored lower.

Sunghoon's eyes darkened with lust as he trailed open-mouthed kisses down his Omega's stomach, his hand slipping inside the Omega's panties. Sunoo gasped, tangling his fingers in Sunghoon's hair as the Alpha's tongue teased his sensitive skin.

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