Family - Chapter 9

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There's so many time skips.

Sunoo sat motionless on the closed toilet seat in his pristine white-tiled washroom,He was perched anxiously, gripping a slender white stick in his slightly trembling hand

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Sunoo sat motionless on the closed toilet seat in his pristine white-tiled washroom,
He was perched anxiously, gripping a slender white stick in his slightly trembling hand.

A single tear slowly trailed down his cheek as he stared, wide-eyed, at the result displayed on the pregnancy test kit - "Positive."

The word 'Positive' glared up at him, confirming the suspicions that had been niggling at the back of his mind for weeks.

Despite the nerves fluttering in his stomach, a big mile spread across Sunoo's face and a delighted sob escaped his lips. He was going to have a baby - he and Sunghoon were going to be parents.

Sunoo tenderly placed a hand on his still-flat stomach, imagining the tiny life beginning to grow within.

This baby represented the profound love between him and his mate, their Alpha and Omega bond manifested in physical form. Sunoo thrilled at the thought of cradling their precious child in his arms.

In his euphoria, Sunoo's first instinct was to rush out and tell Sunghoon the wonderful news. But as he stepped out of the bathroom, he found the apartment empty and silent.

With a pang of disappointment, he remembered that Sunghoon was working late at the office tonight. Sunoo contemplated calling his Alpha immediately, but he wanted to see Sunghoon's face light up when he heard the news.

Sunoo slowly walked back to his room, pregnancy test kit in hand, his mind racing. He considered taking a picture of the positive result and sending it to Sunghoon, but hesitated.

No, something like this needed to be shared in person, face-to-face. Sunghoon deserved to see his reaction and joy firsthand.

Just then, the doorbell rang, jolting Sunoo from his thoughts. He opened the door to find a delivery man with a cloth bag.

"Who sent this?" Sunoo asked, puzzled but curious as he accepted the bag.

"Park Sunghoon-ssi." was the reply. Sunoo's heart skipped a beat hearing his Alpha's name. He nodded to the delivery man and closed the door, eager to see what was inside.

Sitting on the couch, Sunoo carefully opened the bag and found a note on top of a neatly folded sky blue shirt and black jeans.

He read the note from Sunghoon saying "Wear this and come to my house, mom and dad want to meet you."

Sunoo's emotions overflowed. Sunoo wanted to cry, but not from sadness. These were tears of joy, longing for Sunghoon to be here with him, to share in this moment.

Overwhelmed, Sunoo laid down, letting his happy tears fall freely until he drifted off to sleep. When he awoke in the evening, he ate a healthy meal, not just for himself now but for the new life inside him. He would need to take extra care during this pregnancy.

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