Covetous - Chapter 5

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Third person's pov

Sunghoon had always known that Sunoo was his destined Omega and the moment Sunghoon slid himself into Sunoo's untouched heat for the first time, he felt a primal need to fully claim his Omega.

As Sunoo whimpered and arched beneath him, lost in the throes of his first heat, Sunghoon had to fight every Alpha instinct roaring inside him to sink his teeth into the delicate flesh of Sunoo's neck.

The urge to fully claim and mark the beautiful boy was overwhelming, but Sunghoon restrained himself. Sunoo deserved more than just an animalistic mating; he wanted their bonding to be special.

"I feel like I'll go crazy." Sunghoon groaned, his gaze fixed on Sunoo standing a little far away with Jungwon. The sweet scent of the Omega's arousal still lingered, driving his inner Alpha wild.

"Shouldn't you be happy that atleast we made you confess to him. And-"

Jay started to speak but a warning glare from Sunghoon silenced him. Sunghoon's instincts were on edge, hyper aware of his vulnerable Omega.

"It's not enough." Sunghoon admitted, concern lacing his voice. "I'm still afraid."

"Why?" Jake asked, sipping his drink. "You have your Omega now."

"I have to mark him." Sunghoon stated, possessiveness saturating his tone.

His eyes followed Sunoo's every movement. The Omega giggled, soft palms hiding his plush lips that Sunghoon had thoroughly kissed earlier. A pretty blush dusted Sunoo's cheeks, only amplifying his beauty.

Sunghoon yearned to sink his teeth into the delicate skin at the juncture of Sunoo's neck, to leave his permanent claim on the sweet boy.

But he would wait until Sunoo was ready, wanting their bonding mark to represent love rather than carnal need.

Heeseung raised his hands in a placating gesture, trying to calm his agitated friend. "Give it a break bro - he ain't running." he said gently.

But Sunghoon only grew more anxious, his worry etched plainly across his furrowed brows.

"Hyung, have you forgotten the type of Alphas we have at this college?" he bit out through gritted teeth, hands clenching into tight fists.

Sunghoon's mind flashed back to the day Sunoo had shyly revealed himself as an Omega. Barely a week later, murmurs spread through campus of certain Alphas already fantasizing about claiming his sweet-smelling Omega for themselves.

Sunghoon growled low in his throat at the memory, the possessive urge to protect Sunoo simmering hotly in his veins.

He recalled with vivid clarity the day another Alpha had approached him, casually asking if Sunoo was dating anyone. From that moment on, Sunghoon kept a close, wary eye on those Alphas.

He was the reason why Sunoo had never received a single courting proposal. And on the rare occasion when an overly bold Alpha tried, Sunghoon made sure they faced dire consequences.

"Okay okay, let's not think about that, he is all yours now." Heeseung added and Sunghoon calmed down for a bit, leaning back on the chair though worry etched his face.


Sunoo fidgeted nervously in his seat across from Jungwon, eyes downcast as he bit his lip.

"Jungwon-ah." he started, voice soft and hesitant as he reached out to grasp Jungwon's hand. "Help me."

Jungwon's head snapped up from his phone, eyebrows furrowed in concern. "What happened?" he asked urgently, setting his phone aside and giving Sunoo his full attention. "Did something happen?"

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