Coitus - Chapter 4

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⚠️The content written below is explicit and mature, read at your own risk. I don't care if you get heart attack after reading that. Now enjoy!!


After ending the call, Sunoo felt a surge of panic as he paced back and forth in the living room, his mind racing on the raging tone he had heard from Sunghoon.

Desperate for answers, he immediately dialed Jungwon's number to find out what had happened at the party and what actually made him so mad.

"Jungwon. What's all this? What happened in the party?" Sunoo bombarded him with questions as soon as Jungwon picked up the call.

"Wait- listen. Nothing happened. Don't panic." Jungwon spoke, to calm down Sunoo who wasn't having it at all, too consumed by his anxiety to be comforted

"No, just tell me what happened, hyung will be infront of my apartment in any minute."

"He sounded so angry on the call and- and he said he is coming. oh my god jungwon what should I do? Sunghoon hyung sounded so furious on the call." Sunoo continued, speaking rapidly and nervously biting his nails, his heart racing with every passing minute

"Listen, nothing happened, he is going there to confess." Jungwon stated confidentaly, confusing Sunoo even more.

"What? What did you told him?" Sunoo asked, concerned of what kind of stunt his bestfriend had pulled up in the party.

"That you got another Alpha." Jungwon revealed, causing Sunoo to gasp but before he could react more, his attention drew towards the front door.

Instead of hearing any doorbell, he heard the sound of someone entering the password on the door lock

"He-he is already here." Sunoo sensed that from Sunghoon's powerful pheromones filling the apartment.

"How did he know the password?" he muttered surprised himself, but before he could ponder further Jungwon ended the call.

Sunoo glanced back at his phone before shifting his gaze to the angry and agitated Alpha who had just entered his apartment.

Sunoo could tell from Sunghoon's scent that he was distressed.

Sunghoon brushed his hand through his hair, rubbing his nape, trying to calm down for Sunoo but the frown never leaving his face a little disappointed about Sunoo lying to him saying that he wasn't in the apartment when he is clearly standing in the living room.

"Did you just lied to me." said Sunghoon from the hallway and Sunoo remembered that he had told him about not being in the apartment.

"Alpha wait-"

"Why Sunoo? What are you hiding?" Sunghoon asked, moving closer to younger one, who instinctively moved backward.

"So you are in your heat, huh?"

"You knew?" the Omega asked wondering what more had happened at the party.

"Why were you hiding it from me? Am i not the kind of Alpha you can trust on?" Sunghoon moved closer to Sunoo, grabbing him by the waist, the Omega yelped loud at their closeness, he can feel the tight grip on his waist and Sunghoon's pheromones overwhelming him, making him unable to focus on their conversation, Sunoo knows that he can lose his sense if Sunghoon kept making more physical contacts.

"Wait, w-we shouldn't make any physical contact." the Omega said, attempting to pull away from Sunghoon's grip.

"Why? Aren't you craving for an Alpha?" Sunghoon asked, moving closer to Sunoo's scent gland between his neck and collarbone, deeply inhaling his heat pheromones. He wants to mark Sunoo right then and there but he can't without his Omega's consent.

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