Glimmer - Chapter 2

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Third person's pov

Next day ~

Sunoo joined his friends at the campus, sitting in front of Sunghoon, both Jungwon and Sunoo engrossed in a conversation about their classes.

"Sunoo-ya want me to pick you up for Jay's birthday party?" said Heeseung, who was sitting next to him. Sunoo hesitated a bit to answer because he suddenly remembered about his heat cycle.

"Hyung, I'll be there on my own." he decided to lie, knowing he could come up with an excuse later yet right now isn't right to tell them about this.

Sunoo glanced back at Sunghoon who was sitting with his folded hand and a piercing gaze, staring into his soul, Sunoo smiled at him but Sunghoon quickly looked away with irritation visible on his face.

Sunoo always sensed that there's something that is going on his mind, but he doesn't speak of it. Usually he have a gentle demeanor, but he doesn't hide his expressions either. If he doesn't like anything, then he doesn't and the discomfort, irritation or rage is clearly visible on his face.

Sunoo spent his most of the day alone ignoring Sunghoon specially.

Later that evening, Sunoo accompanied Jungwon to buy gifts for Jay. Feeling guilty for not attending the party, Sunoo purchased a watch for Jay and planned to give it to Jungwon to pass on to Jay.

While shopping, Sunoo also came across to an olive green shirt that he bought for a certain someone, hoping if he ever got a chance, he would hand it to him.


Next day ~

"Jungwoooon." Sunoo gave him a call at 6 a.m. that Jungwon picked up in a second, sensing the urgency in Sunoo's voice.

"What? What happened? Are you okay?" Jungwon spoke panicking, worried something must have happened to Sunoo meanwhile Sunoo let out a sigh before he responded.

"I think I'm getting into my heat." Sunoo admitted, taking a breathe thinking of what to do now.

"What already? But you said it will take more days." spoke Jungwon clearing his eyes on the other side of call, trying to process what Sunoo wants to say.

"What should I do?" Sunoo whined, feeling overwhelmed by the situation that he was aware of but still he wasn't ready for it to start this soon.

"Atleast tell me what happened?"

"I can't stop thinking about Sunghoon hyung." Sunoo confessed, slightly embarrassed of what he just said.

His thoughts had been fixtated on Sunghoon since he woke up, and the pic that Jay shared in their group chat last night with Sunghoon excercising inside the gym and his biceps muscles flexing while doing dumbell curl.

Sunoo buried himself under the blanket, letting out a frustrated sound.

"You should talk to him." Jungwon advised trying to be helpful for his bestfriend.

"Let's meet in college and talk about it." Sunoo suggested gripping the blankets tightly.

"Are you sure you can come to college today?" Jungwon asked with a concerned expression on his face, though Sunoo couldn't see it.

"I have to. I can manage today. You know we have important test." Sunoo said reassuring him.

"Fine. Wait for me I'll be there." Jungwon said before ending the call.

Sunoo checked out his gallery opening the same pic of Sunghoon from last night, he let out a breathy moan sitting back on the bed, tossing his phone onto the pillow.

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