Chapter 21: Unforgivable..

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🍀 Lead me not into temptation... Oh who am I kidding ! FOLLOW ME I know a short cut..

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Author's pov

     Siddharth twisted the knob of his room and opened the door to find his newly wedded bride sitting on the well decorated bed for their first night , while  putting a long veil which was covering her face completely...

     All the scenario from the day she yelled at him for hitting Sahil without letting him say anything to today's I love you from her , each and everything took a toll on him... he clenched his jaws and shut his eyes while his hands turned into a fist.

     He exhaled a heavy breathe and walked to the bed , he sat infront of her...

      The dim lights and the small scented candles were making the room romantic but both of them were in their own thoughts and confusions clouding with misunderstanding.

      Siddharth held the hem of her veil and lifted it up to see her beautiful face in the dim light shining like a moon , her lowered eyelashes were making her look so innocent that he forgot everything.

     A strong feeling took over him , it was love which was overpowering the misunderstood thoughts in him but if you ask him he would name it attraction because how can Siddharth Raghuvanshi fall for someone so easily and moreover his ego would never let him see what he actually wants...

     For now to name it , his attraction was pushing him to claim HIS women... submitting to his senses he moved his face close to her and kissed her forehead gently.

     Mishka who was fidgeting with her thought few minutes back under the veil broke into cold sweat when he lifted her veil .

    It's not like she doesn't want it , it's just she is still not ready for it...

    Her nervousness even grew more when he moved his face close to her but just as he planted a kiss on her forehead she relaxed , his cold lips warmed her heart... She was feeling more comfortable and soon her nervousness also started disappearing.

      Siddharth kissed her nose after her forehead and moved down slowly to her lips but before he could attach his lips with her , Mishka placed her hand on his chest...

     Siddharth moved away a little and looked at her face .

    " Siddharth... actually I am...not ready for this intimacy..." She said directly, ofcourse she can , she has always been blunt about how she feels about the situation.

     Seeing her hand resting on his chest which was to push him away , Siddharth let out a dark sinister chuckled...

     Mishka was confused for a second at the sudden change in his behaviour...

    Suddenly he held the back of her neck and pulled her closer...

    " You don't want this huh..! Why..!? do you think I won't be able to satisfy you or you want to be in someone else's arms.." he said and Mishka's eyes widen at his dirty words.

    She pushed him away harshly...

   " What nonsense are you speaking Siddharth..!!" She shouted at him through her gritted teeths.

   Siddharth again chuckled like a maniac and stood up from the bed...

   " Don't act like you are all pure..." he mocked , Mishka understood his indication and her eyes teared up.

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