Chapter 37 : Hot Love making in bathroom..

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Hi dear readers , because of studies and my football practice I won't be as active as I used to be back then and for that I am really sorry...

I will update twice or thrice a week...

Mafia: The Betrayal will be updated everyday from now as it's already complete in my draft...( I was working on it before I started writing Love Tales of the Royals)...

Whenever I will have a light day I will try to update more chapters of Love Tales of the Royals .

Sorry for making you guys wait dear readers...!




uthor's pov

     After enjoying at the farm house they all returned back . Mahira and Shardul went back to Jodhpur as well.

    At night after family dinner they all retired to their rooms.

    Due to tiredness Mishka fell asleep as soon as she lied down on the bed , Siddharth chuckled looking at her sleeping like a bear snuggling into the duvet.

    He kissed her forehead and went to his study room to wrap up some important office work.

     After an hour he was returning back to his room when he saw Lakshay going to the terrace , Siddharth went behind him and found the latter standing against the boundary wall looking at the sky .

     " Aren't you going to sleep..!?" He asked startling Lakshay.

    " Ji Bhai sa.." Lakshay was about to leave when Siddharth put his left arm across his shoulder .

     ( Yes Bhai sa..)

    Lakshay looked at him in confusion .

     " What's the problem Lakshay..?" Listening to his Bhai sa's reassuring calm tone Lakshay sighed but he was still hesitant.


    " About Mahira.." Siddharth asked looking back at Lakshay whose eyes went wide like a saucer.

    " Do you all think your Bhai sa doesn't care about his siblings ." Siddharth said and Lakshay shook his head frantically telling him it isn't like that at all.

    " No Bhai sa , even though you have always been strict but we all know how much you care about all of us.."

    " So tell me what's troubling you..? "

    " Bhai sa actually... We sort of had a little fight over something. I got angry and didn't talk to her after that and now she is not answering my calls." Lakshay said with a sigh.

    " Lakshay you know apart from Love what are the most important things for a relationship to survive through anything... It's trust and understanding little brother. Whatever it is keep your trust in her and try to understand her. Anger can destroy anything in seconds and a proper conversation can mend up most of the things... " Siddharth said and Lakshay nodded his head with a smile.

     " Now go and sleep , one more thing I am giving you a off tomorrow." Siddharth said and left after patting his back.

     Lakshay smiled and planned to go to meet Mahira in jodhpur in-person tomorrow and talk to her calmly.

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