Chapter 35: Drunk Siddharth...

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🍀 The devil whispered to me : I am coming for you..!
I whispered back : Bring Pizza while coming...

Author's pov

     In the later afternoon they all went to the near by waterfall and had lot of fun in the water playing and splashing water  on each other...

    After playing they all got really tired and as soon as they returned back they all fell asleep in their rooms

    It hasn't been long since Siddharth and Mishka fell asleep when Mishka's phone started ringing , she sighed in annoyance and removed Siddharth's arm from her and picked her phone . Siddharth also woke up and snuggled closer to her neck .

    " Hii Mukku.." he heard the most annoying voice of Sahil and scoffed aloud earning a glare from Mishka.

    " Hi Sahil , how are you..!?" She asked playing with Siddharth's dark silky hair.

    " I am fine... Mukku I have a good news." He said excitedly.

   " Good news..!? Are you pregnant." She joked and chuckled along with Siddharth.

   " Haha very funny... actually it's , I am coming to India for few months regarding some business project." He said and after hearing this Siddharth hovered over Mishka making her gasp in suprise.

    " I knew you will be at a lose of words , I am very happy too...!!"

    " Yeah I am really happy. " Mishka said while warning Siddharth with her eyes after seeing his naughty expressions she knew he was upto something.

    " I will be staying in jodhpur most of the time and for few day I will be travelling to Udaipur too , so I want you to join me..." Sahil said and Siddharth sucked at Mishka's throat hearing Sahil's words.

    Mishka pushed Siddharth's face away from her neck and warned him with her eyes again...

    " I would have come but Sahil now I am married and I have few responsibilities towards my family ." She said and Siddharth smiled but soon his smile turned to a scowl.

   " I know that Mukku but few days won't hurt..."

    " Ok I will see , if I can I will come for few days with Siddharth..."

   " Umm ok.."

   Mishka bid bye to Sahil and raised her eyebrows at her naughty husband.

   " What was that huh..!?"

   " Nothing , I was just loving my wife." He replied with a shrug and lied beside her.

    " Jealous freak.." Mishka muttered and turned to other side , Siddharth pulled her back and hugged her close to his chest from behind , he kissed the back of her neck and closed his eyes .

    In the late evening they went to the front house.

     " So guys what do you all want to eat for dinner..!?" Mishka asked getting up from the couch.

    Charu suggested the menu and everyone was satisfied with it .

    Mishka and Rajiv were about to leave when Siddharth made her sit back on the couch.

    " Siddharth what are you doing..!? I have to cook-"

    " No need today i will cook , Lakshay and Rajiv will help me." Siddharth said looking at Lakshay who stood up instantly , Shardul was busy because of some office work.

   " Yes Bhai sa.."

   " Ok fine but call me if you need any help." Mishka said looking at Rajiv who pouted angrily because he knew what was his dear bhabhi sa trying to indicate.

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