Chapter 24: Old misunderstandings cleared..

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🍀 Doctor - A person who kills your ills with pills and later with bills...


uthor's pov

     Siddharth nodded his head slightly to the women , he was sure he had seen her somewhere .

     " How is she..!? " The women asked with clear worry in her voice.

    " Fine.." Siddharth replied looking at Mishka and again moving his gaze to the women.

    " Ah.. you might not remember me , I am sorry to not introduce myself first. I am Maya Khanna her best friend from New York." She said highlighting New York in her sentence and Siddharth recognised her instantly.

     He nodded his head , just then a nurse came inside and handed Siddharth few list of things that were needed for Mishka and medicines that should be brought from the pharmacy of the hospital.

      He looked at Maya and before he could speak she spoke.

    " You can go ,I will stay with her till then." Siddharth nodded and left to buy the things.

     After sometime Mishka opened her eyes and found herself in an unknown place with a strong disinfectant smell lingering in her nose.

    " How are you feeling now..!?"Maya asked after ending the call with her husband .

    " Bitch is that you..!? No ways I must be dreaming ." Saying that Mishka closed her eyes again.

    Maya giggled and pulled her cheeks and Mishka scrunched her nose , in their university time Maya would do that to piss off Mishka because she hated it when someone pulls her cheeks.

    " So it's really you..! "

    " Yes madam it's me Maya bestie." Maya replied with enthusiasm.

    " Don't you dare call me bestie bitch , you forgot me after finding your husband's arms." She said and turned her head to another side.

     " Stop overacting bitch , you know Rahul had medical emergency in his family and in what circumstances we got married... So many things happened and then my Ansh." Maya's voice went low and Mishka put all the strength in her and sat up .

     She cupped her face and wiped the  tears that rolled down Maya's eyes thinking about her baby boy's poor health...

    " Don't cry Maya , Our little Ansh will be fine very soon." She said and Maya looked at her with teary and questionable eyes.

    " Sahil told me about Ansh's poor health and pre-mature birth." Maya nodded and gave her a side hug.

    " I didn't knew Bhai and you were so close in contact.."

    " We are in close contact since forever and I asked that dumbo idiot to send your number 100 times but I think your brother is getting old he doesn't remember things ." Mishka huffed and Maya chuckled.

    " Then it's good we met each other coincidently." Maya said.

    " Yeah , by the way I talked to your mom last night she didn't tell me you were in Switzerland.."

    " I haven't talked to her since past two days either , I and Rahul are just running here and there for Ansh's treatment and finally we found a good pediatrician here through Rahul's friend."

    " Oh...I am sure Ansh will be fine soon."

    " Hmm... So you and Siddharth are here for your honeymoon huh..!" Maya said teasingly and Mishka's face fell.

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