The Past Returns

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Aria's POV:

April bursts into the apartment as I sit on the couch next to Taylor, our roommate.

April: "Aria! Taylor!"

Taylor: "Hey. I'm Skyping with my mom."

April: "You have no idea what I just went through. I am freaking out. I just saw a Foot Clan attack."

Me: "Are you ok?"

April: "I was riding my bike by the docks. It was night. It's dark already, and there are Foot Clan soldiers everywhere. And then, out of nowhere, there was this guy fighting back against them. And he...He left behind this symbol. And I know that I've seen it before. I can't remember where. But there is someone fighting back against the Foot Clan. There is a vigilante in this city, and no one knows, but I do. I know. And now I have my story. There is no more froth and foam for me."

Taylor: "What?"

April: "Never mind."

{Time skip}

The next day, April & I are in Vern's car, the two of them having just picked me up from my self-defense class after covering a charity event thrown by Sacks Industries, the founder being April's and my dad's old lab partner from before he died.

Me: "How'd the charity event go?"

April: "The same way my last talk with my supervisor went."

Me: "Froth and foam?"

April: *chuckles* "Pretty much."

Me: "Well, I believe you, and I know you're gonna make the best froth and foam this city has to offer. And someday, it's gonna be you reporting the big headlines."

April: "Well, you're my little sister, so you're not exactly unbiased, but thank you."

Me: "On what may be a brighter note, how's Mr. Sacks doing?"

April goes silent in response. Before I can ask what's wrong, a group of people rush into the street, with April hot on their tail and me following her.

Vern: "O'Neils! Where are you two going?"

We follow the source of the crowd into the subway, where we're suddenly grabbed from behind by two men and led to join the other hostages. We're then shoved onto the ground as the men instruct all of us not to move while their leader calls out to someone.

Karai: "We know you're out there. If you don't surrender, we start executing hostages!"

April then takes a photo of the scene, so the woman aims her gun at her.

Karai: "You, stand up!"

Then, we hear a voice echo from afar.

Leo: "All aboard!"

Suddenly, the lights go out, and shadowed figures attack our captors. Once the fight ends, our saviors rush off to avoid being seen. Unfortunately for them, April and I are hot on their tail. We follow them up to a rooftop, where they brag to one another about their heroics.

Donnie: "That was amazing. You were incredible!"

Leo: "Great elbow, Donnie."

Raph: "Oh, yeah! That's what I'm talking about. This is our city! These are our streets!"

Mikey: "You mess with us, you step into Wu, whoo, Tang!"

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