Earth vs. Aliens

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Aria's POV:

We meet up with the turtles in an alleyway, Vincent keeping me in the car until further notice, but I can still hear everything they say through an open window. Vincent nods as she looks at the officer in the driver's seat. He gets out of the car and opens my door for me. I step out, hug April, and slowly walk toward Raph, who gently takes my hand in his, squeezing it out of relief that I'm finally in his arms.

Vincent: "What are you?"

Mikey: "We're not really into labels."

Leo: "Some call us freaks. Monsters."

Raph: "Let's just say we're four brothers from New York who hate bullies and love this city."

Donnie: "And right now, we're the city's best hope."

Vincent: "Why should I believe you?"

Leo: "You don't have to take it from us. Take it from him."

Chief Vincent turns to Vern.

April: "Go ahead, Vern. Tell her about the arrangement."

Vern: "What arrangement?"

I look to Vern as Raph & I crack our knuckles.

Vern: "Oh, that arrangement.-*to Vincent*-Look, the Falcon is still the Falcon. I just may have gotten by with a little help from my friends. These five are the ones who took Shredder down the first time. I was kind of more of a wingman."

Leo: "We've been doing our part to protect this city from the shadows."

Suddenly, alien tech flies over us.

Leo: "And we think we have something to offer. We're gonna need-"

Raph & I: "Strategy."

Raph and I extend our hands, with my hand atop his as Leo places his hand over mine.

Leo: "Instinct."

Then, Mikey places a hand over ours.

Mikey: "Logic."

Finally, Donnie places his hand at the top.

Donnie: "And boatloads of heart."

{Time skip}

The officers load themselves into the NYPD van.

Donnie: "April, Aria, Casey, and Vern need an escort to Pier 90. The electromagnetic force of the portal is coming from there. Forwarding you the coordinates."

Leo: "Send a team! Take us to the Chrysler Building. We'll make our way up to his ship and take down Kraang on his home turf."

So, April, Casey, Vern, and I hop into a police vehicle and head towards Donnie's coordinates, separating from the Turtles further down the road.

Casey: "All right, they're splitting up."

Vern: "Wait, we aren't going with the Turtles? Why aren't we going with the Turtles? When something bad happens, you wanna be with the Turtles!"

Once we arrive at our destination, we run into an obstacle, damaging the car, but still make it into the parking garage. We then sneak into the garage, taking cover when we spot Bebop & Rocksteady on motorcycles.

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