Back In Business

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{A/N: Image above is Aria's outfit for meeting Stockman; Also, all the official wikis say the movie takes place 2 years after the 1st one, so that's when this story takes place}

Aria's POV:

It's been two years since I met Splinter and the turtles, stopped Shredder, and saved the city. Not much has changed except for me being an official member of the Turtle's team, my signature weapons are a pair of tessens, and Vern being named the city's hero, Vern 'The Falcon' Fenwick, much to Raph's annoyance. Speaking of whom, he and I are now in an official relationship. It's not always easy getting him to open up, but we still make it work. For one thing, he can be in his angriest, most lethal mood yet, and he'd still talk to me in a calm voice. Not only that, he's always willing to listen if I need someone besides April to vent to, and he makes for a pretty good bodyguard/sparring partner. Tonight, the guys are off at a Knicks game while I'm at a restaurant with April, dressed up for her latest plan to get the top story for her newscast. April calls Donnie to ask for his advice on how to handle this.

Donnie: "Hey, April."

April: "Donnie, listen to me. I'm at Grand Central Station with Aria staking out Dr. Baxter Stockman."

Donnie: "Oh, Baxter Stockman! He graduated MIT at 15. He's got 134 patents. He's the lead scientist for TCRI. Big fan, the man's a genius."

Me: "Yeah, well, he's a genius that's about to be in a lot of trouble."

April: "Look, I think Baxter Stockman is working for Shredder."

Donnie: "Shredder. Do you need us there?"

April: "Nah, Baxter's a softie. But you know those birthday presents that you made for us?"

Donnie: "The watches, yeah."

Me: "We want to use them to try and hack into Baxter's emails."

Donnie: "Ok, guys, but if you're gonna hack into his accounts, you'll need to get close."

April: "How close?"

Donnie: "Your watches need to be within three feet of his device, iPad, iPhone, whatever."

April: "Got it. Good looking out, buddy. Talk to you soon."

April ends the call as I turn to her with a slightly annoyed look.

Me: "Do I really need to be in costume, too?"

April: *chuckles* "I know it's not your style, and it probably wouldn't get you much street cred, but your sacrifice is greatly appreciated."

Me: *chuckles* "Hey, you're my sister. It's the least I could do. Here he comes. Shall we?"

April nods, and we walk toward Baxter's table with sweet smiles, activating our watches beforehand.

April: "Excuse us.-*chuckles*-Um, sorry. It's just-Aren't you-"

Baxter: "As much as I'd like to be someone that girls like you would recognize, I can assure you, you don't know who I am."

Me: "You're Baxter Stockman, PhD. Graduated from MIT at 15 years old. Your innovations in nano-robotics at TCRI have been truly inspirational for us.-*fake nervous laugh*-I'm so sorry. I'm just like-I'm a nerd."

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