Mutant Mayhem

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Aria's POV:

As expected, April is waiting for us in Donnie's lab when we arrive. After explaining what happened in her absence, April dons a confused look.

April: "Ok, so he just vanished?"

Donnie: "Wait, wait, wait. If I run the video from my shoulder camera through an electrostatic filter, we might be able to see what happened to Shredder."

Leo: "Come on. Show me something, buddy."

Donnie: "Right there."

Donnie pauses the video and zooms in on the flash we saw.

Donnie: "It appears to be some kind of residue from a teleportation event."

Mikey: "Yeah, teleportation event residue, man. It's the worst."

Raph: "Does that kind of technology even exist?"

Donnie: "Baxter Stockman's been working on this kind of tech for years."

April: "All of that stuff that Ari & I pulled off of his iPad, it was full of information about Shredder and the Foot Clan. It was like a virtual playbook! Baxter has to have a backup. And I bet it's on the mainframe at TCRI. Donnie, I need something. What do you got?"

Donnie: "Wait. I know exactly what you need."

Donnie rummages through a small box to pull out a vacant USB.

Donnie: "Totally plug-and-play."

April: "Perfect. I'll go check it out."

April walks off, and the guys start to follow after her.

Leo: "We'll go with. Operate in support."

April: "Wait. The sun's coming up. You can't go outside. You'll be seen."

Me: "Sorry, guys."

April: "You're not coming either, Ari."

Me: "What?"

April: "If something goes wrong and Shredder manages to get his hands on you..."

Raph growls at the thought as April continues.

April: "He could either use you as a bargaining chip or turn you into the police on account of your father's history."

Me: "He's not my father."

April: "Assuming they have you take a blood test, the results will say otherwise. I don't care if you are moving down here to live closer to your team and attend college next year. You're still my little sister, living under my roof, and I won't endanger you. So, stay here with the guys.-to turtles*-You four keep her safe.-*to Raph*-You especially.-*to me*-And I'll be back before you know it.

I nod in relent, and April smiles in thanks before patting me on the back and walking out of the lair to TCRI.

{Time skip}

After blowing off some steam, I head to the living room as Mikey flies around on his skateboard with a drone hot on his tail. Donnie reclines in his chair with a juice box, and Raph stands tall with a baseball bat in his grip.

Mikey: "Oh, wassup, drone? I ain't scared of you. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."

Raph: "Every second we're down here, Shredder gets more powerful, and Mikey gets more annoying."

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