Trouble Afoot

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Aria's POV:

Even with all her proof, no one believes April's story except Eric Sacks, or so April told me earlier when she picked me up from school. I'm in the living room next to her, doing my homework. At the same time, she researches vigilante news on her computer until an array of images and coding appear onscreen alongside a familiar voice.

Donnie: "Bam! You've been hacked! By Donatello. Remember me? Turtle. Four eyes. But enough about me. We told you we'd find you. Both of you meet us here and come alone. Or...Or else we're...You shall be punished and stuff."

{Time skip}

We're at the address Donnie gave us, but it doesn't seem like he and the others are here yet.

Me: "Ok, we're here. This some surprise party or...?"

Then, Mikey appears behind us.

Mikey: "Ok. Are you April & Aria O'Neil?"

Donnie: "Initiating retinal scan. Scanning, scanning, scanning, scanning. Scan complete. It's them. It's them. Guys, it's them!"

Leo: "Of course it's them, Donnie.-*to us*-Hey. Really glad you could make it. Hey, there's someone important we wanna introduce you to, but first..."

Raph puts bags over our heads from behind to make sure we don't know the way to our home. When we arrive, Mikey speaks up.

Mikey: "Aw, yeah, welcome to my crib, girls."

April: "Where are we?"

Donnie: "Hey, it's our Fortress of Solitude."

Mikey: "Our Hogwarts."

Donnie: "Our Xavier Academy."

Mikey: "Our next generation state-of-the-art WonderDome!"

Me: *sniffs* "We're in the sewer, aren't we?"

Mikey: "No."

Donnie: "Technically, yes."

Mikey: "Yeah. Yeah, it's a sewer."

Raph takes the bags off our heads to reveal Splinter standing before us.

Splinter: "You brought us here, April."

April & I: "Splinter?"

Donnie: "How do they know his name?"

Leo: *to Raph* "Did you tell them his name?"

Donnie: "Maybe they're clairvoyant."

Mikey: "Maybe they're Jedis."

Splinter: "Come closer."

April and I slowly walk toward Splinter.

Splinter: "It's been a long time. Hmm, you always did have your father's eyes, April. And I see you've grown into a fine young woman, Aria."

Me: "I don't understand."

Splinter: "Don't be afraid. All will be made clear."

April: "This is crazy."

{Play video}

Splinter: "Listen closely, April. I don't remember a time before living in that laboratory. That fateful night started like any other. Sacks gave us our injections, your father made sure our vital signs were strong, and you, as always, provided us with a special treat. After the brothers went to sleep, I heard loud voices. There was the smell of smoke, and alarms sounded. Your father had discovered the truth behind the man he was working for. He set fire to the lab. His last breath was taken trying to destroy Shredder's plan. I was terrified. But then you appeared, placed us in Aria's carrier, and ushered us to safety. I never had a voice then, but I thank you now, April. We wandered the sewers until I found this place. It was then that the mutagen that was injected into our blood began to change us in miraculous ways. I saw how your father loved you, and I knew I had to show that same love to the turtles. I became their father, and they became my sons. Like all children, they were drawn to the distractions of popular culture. And I knew one day they would want to explore the world above. They would be ridiculed. They would need to learn to protect themselves, both mentally and physically. And then, I found a way. First, I would teach myself the ancient art of ninjitsu. The brothers followed my lead, accelerating at a wondrous rate. Their gift was also their passion. They lived, breathed, and dreamed all things martial arts. Then, they were ready. Everything they are and everything that they've become was made possible by the bravery that you displayed on that fateful night."

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