• Tender Bonds •

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Exiting the bridal store, Lucy felt a wave of relief wash over her. She glanced at Natsu then at Elias, who was holding her hand firmly. As they stepped out onto the bustling sidewalk, the warm afternoon sunlight enveloped them.

"Thank you for everything again....Natsu," Lucy said, smiling shyly at him.

Natsu smiled kindly. "You deserve it." He looked down at Elias. "Elias, buddy, did you have fun?"

Elias nodded enthusiastically, a bright sparkle in his eyes. He glanced up at Lucy and tugged on her hand gently, startling the blonde and causing her to look down. "What's wrong, my dear?"

Elias pointed towards an ice cream truck parked nearby.

Lucy chuckled softly. "Would you like some?"

Elias beamed, nodding in agreement.

Natsu's head shot down at Elias, ready to refute. "No ice cream, Elias. You've been eating too many sweet things as of late."

Elias looked up to his father with a clueless look.
"You know what I'm talking about--don't act oblivious."

Lucy chuckled sheepishly at the interaction, before looking down at Elias' face. His face was now pouting at hers, desperately waiting for her approval.

"Well, I'm sure it's okay for him to have a little bit of a treat, no? He'll just have to make sure he brushes his teeth properly before he sleeps tonight. Trust me--I'm a doctor."

Elias grinned at his father, haughty that he had won Lucy's approval as a doctor. Natsu sighed and reluctantly agreed. "Alright, alright. Let's go."

They made their way to the truck, and Elias stood on his tippytoes, peering at the colorful array of flavors displayed on the menu board.

"Do you know what flavor you'd like, Elias?" Lucy asked, crouching down beside him.

Elias furrowed his brows in concentration, tapping his finger on his chin as if contemplating his decision. After a moment, he pointed to the picture of a strawberry ice cream cone.

"Strawberry it is," Lucy gleamed, smiling down at Elias.

As they received their ice creams, Elias happily licked his cone, his eyes lighting up with delight at each taste. Lucy couldn't help but smile at his innocent joy.

"Want a bite?" Natsu smirked, holding out his own ice cream towards her.
Lucy palmed her hand out, blocking the ice cream and Natsu from her view. "No....I'm good, thanks."

Natsu shrugged, taking a bite of his ice cream. "More for me, then."

Elias finished his ice cream, and Lucy wiped a smudge of strawberry from the corner of his mouth with a napkin. He giggled, reaching out to touch her hair gently, his eyes shining with warmth.

"Elias?" Lucy pondered, amused by his fascination with her long blonde locs.
Elias retracted his hand, looking away from her nervously.

Lucy ruffled his hair playfully, earning a shy giggle from him.

Despite the sweet interaction, Natsu was not happy with his sons actions. He had always taught to treat people with respect, especially women and elders.
"Elias, you need to ask permission before you touch somebody. It's rude."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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