8. Confrontation

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And just like that Shubman remembered every single thing of the previous night.

From the dancing, to Ishan taking care of him like a baby, to the both sharing intimate moments.. Shubman remembered everything.

Shubman slowly withdrew his hands from Ishan. Ishan knew that Shubman is upset remembering the previous night incidents so he tried to reach out for him, but at the same time Shubman had turned around and had started walking towards the balcony.

Shubman kept pulling his hair in frustration. 'How stupid was I! How could I forget everything! That hickey was given by me and not any girl. The kiss! Our first kiss! I ruined our friendship.. He'll never talk to me again. Oh God! ' Shubman started to overthink, numerous thoughts roaming in his head

"Shubi.." Ishan got up and had started to walk towards the balcony when due to the pain in his ankle, Ishan fell.

Hearing the thud, Shubman's eyes widened as he turned around seeing Ishan on floor groaning in pain.

Shubman rushed and tried to help Ishan up, but Ishan pulled Shubman's hand and making him sit on the same floor.

"Ishan kya kar raha hai yaar.. Let me help yo-" before Shubman could complete Ishan brought his hands and cradled Shubman's face.

"Ssh.. Main thik hoon.. mujhe kuch nahi hua" Ishan said and smiled.

They both stared at eachother for few seconds.. but Shubman could not meet Ishan's eyes. To say he was ashamed of himself would be an understatement. Shubman could not even dare to look eye to eye with his bestfriend. A friendship he was about to lose. A friendship that meant everything to him.

Ishan's heart clenched and soared with guilt when he saw Shubman not meeting his eyes. He could sense Shubman's eyes getting teary and Ishan could not bear seeing his bestie in this state.

"Shubi.. look at me please." Ishan said with a pleading voice and slightly lifted Shubman's face only to meet with his usually brown eyes and now welled up in ocean of guilt and fear.

"Shubi, tu mera yaar hai. You are my pride, my most valuable friendship. I hold utmost importance and respect for you. Aise nazare churakar.. ankhon mein paani lakar..pls aise behave mat kar Shubi." Ishan begged, his own eyes tearing.

Shubman silently sobbed and shook his head "I'm so sorry Ishan.. I doubted you all day.. misunderstood you. I thought you didn't care for me and I am also the one who could not control my drunk self and acted in such a way that- That I have now created a riff in a friendship. I cannot lose you Ishu. I'm so sor-"
As Shubman spoke, Ishan pulled Shubman in a hug. Shubman now sobbed more voilently, feelings overwhelming. Ishan patted his back in a comforting way.

"Shubi.. whatever happened was not all your fault. Even I was drunk.. but not as much as you. I should have known better rather than going with the flow. I didn't want you to remind you anything as I knew how much it would hurt you." Ishan said as slightly pulled back from the embrace.

Ishan swept his thumbs under Shubman's eyes to wipe those betraying tears. "I have told you this before... I'll tell you now as well. You mean a world to me. I'll forgive you and stand by you even if the world was against you. Tere liye Jaan bhi Hazar, Shubi." Ishan said as he pulled Shubman's face and lightly kissed Shubman's forehead.

Shubman looked up at him. He was really thankful for the comforting words of Ishan. "So what does this mean for us Ishu? Has one night ruined our friendship? Will we ever be the same. Was it all... Was it all a mistake?" Shubman spoke in a very low voice. He voiced his fear, his heart breaking into pieces thinking of worst outcomes.

"I do not know Shubi.. I'm as clueless and lost as you. I.. I think we should not dwell upon this and move on. We need to clear our mind and act as if .. as if yesterday night did not exist. It's the only way we both can maintain this friendship. Losing you Shubi.. is honestly like losing half a heart" Ishan spoke softly. But as he spoke, he himself didn't want to do any of the things which he said.

For Ishan, that night meant a lot. What Shubman didn't know was that, Ishan had broke his relationship with Aditi when he realised that the person Ishan loved was his bestfriend and not his ex girlfriend.


" I had told you one thing Ishan! Just one thing, par tum woh bhi bhul gaye!That event was so important to me and I wanted you over there.. to support me! But no! What were you so busy with?!!" Aditi was yelling as they sat in Ishan's car as Ishan was driving.

"Aditi baccha..I'm sorry.. but it was Shu-" Ishan could not complete his sentence as Aditi chuckled sarcastically.

"Ofcourse it's Shubman. 'Shubi is sad. Oh Shubi wants my help. Shubi is not well. I'm sorry Aditi, but I have plans with Shubman.' Shubi this Shubi that. SHUBI SHUBI SHUBI!! All I ever hear is his name! " Aditi was now basically screaming with fury lacing her voice.

Ishan stopped the car. Thankfully at a place where no one would notice. Ishan turned towards his gf, though the look he gave was anything but love. He replied angrily "You dare not speak about Shubman. Do you even know how important he is to me! He has done a lot more things for me than I could ever do for him. Toh woh hai important Aditi! He was there in my life way before you. Agar mere parivaar ke siva koi mujhe acche se janta hai toh woh " Ishan was also fuming with anger.

Aditi had now tears in her eyes as she spoke "Ishan, I do not want a relationship where the person I love, can't even fight for me..and is just wasting my time and love for him. You clearly need to sort out your feelings. I tried avoiding.. I tried ignoring.. but I think the person you love is not me Ishan. It is Shubman. It always has been and it always will be."

Ishan's eyes widened. His heart started beating very rapidly. Ishan felt suffocated. It took few seconds for Ishan to digest the fact that indeed, she was right.

Ishan was in love with his bestfriend. His Shubi.

~flashback end~

As Ishan recalled the incident, Shubman on the other hand was just looking dumbfoundedly at Ishan.
'Forget everything about the night? The night that he dreamt of for past one year?' Shubman knew that this heartbreak was about to come. Only Shubman didn't know, that with heartbreak, Shubman would also have a bleeding heart. The heart that bled of guilt, sorrow, rejection and pain. A pain that not only had him mentally fucked but had also physically crushed Shubman.


A short chapter.. because I'm drunk as fuck..so pls ignore any grammatical mistakes.

So what are your thoughts on Ishan's breakup? And do you think their decision was right? Will they move on that easily😀?

Bye bye cuties🫶🏼💜💙

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