40. The truth prevails

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"Ishan... do you.. maybe wanna try something" Shubman asked as he sat on the sofa beside Ishan who was playing video game.

"Hmm.." Ishan replied too distracted.

The elder ones was playing for a long time now and Shubman was beyond pissed.

"Hatt ja chutiye!" Ishan screamed at the video game and Shubman just huffed at his distracted boyfriend.

"Ishu!" Shubman shouted which made the shorter lad startled and dropped his controller on the mat.

"Game end. Player 32 dies" came a sound soon enough and Ishan recovered from his shock and angrily turned towards his boyfriend.

But all his anger evaporated when he saw Shubman looking at him with the same blaring eyes.

"Mr Ishan Kishan aka my future husband. If right now, you even dare to shout at me or blame me for that game. Remember, no sex for you till our marriage. Samjhe?" Shubman said in an icy warning tone.

Ishan slouched at the words like a kicked puppy and pouted. Shubman unable to hide his fondness for his lover pecked his pouted lips.

After a few seconds of brief shock, Ishan pouted again and turned to his left, and Shubman moved in the same direction and pecked again and again until Ishan started giggling. He then grabbed Ishan's collar and pulled him to kiss him.

All the anger, worries and thoughts were evaporated as the couple enjoyed the slow and sensual kiss. The kiss made Ishan's toes curl and spread good type of chills across his body.

Shubman moaned in his mouth when Ishan trailed his hand up under his shirt and pinched his nipple making Shubman moan and his hard on rubbed against the elder one's.

They both left the kiss with a groan as they parted slightly for the air. Ishan smiled as he played with Shubman's hair and traced along the razored "V" line above his right ear making Shubman almost mewled like a cat.

"Hmm.. Bata abhi. Kya naya karna tha tujhe?" Ishan asked as he rubbed Shubman's ear delicately. Shubman rested his head against Ishan's chest as he enjoyed the pampering from Ishan.

It was funny how even after soo many years of knowing each other and also months of being in relationship, Ishan's heart raced when Shubman was that close to him.

Shubman muttered some gibberish and inaudible stuff as he spoke into Ishan's shirt.

Ishan lightly pulled at the younger one's hair making him look up at him. The same shade of eyes stared into his own for a brief moment.

Suddenly, Shubman got up from Ishan. The elder one just confusedly looked at the younger one.

Soon he propped on his shoulder to look at him and his eyes widened when Shubman suddenly smiled cheekily.

"Pagal wagal hai-" Ishan was interrupted when suddenly he was pulled up and Shubman lifted his Shirt up and then went under it like a snake.

After a few seconds of struggle, Shubman's head popped out of the head end of the T-shirt.

He then encircled his hands around Ishan and huffed in satisfaction as his mission got successful. All the while, the Ishan was just watching him with wide eyes.

Shubman then looked up again at Ishan, who was still startled and smiled cheekily as he said "wanted to be more close to you" and then nuzzled in Ishan's neck.

Witnessing the silly events, Ishan's just laughed out heartedly as he tightened his hold around Shubman under his T-shirt and sighed peacefully.

Maybe he could get used to this stupid and silly behaviour of his literally clingy boyfriend once in a while.

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