28. With him

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The next day Shubman woke up with a heavy hangover in Kuldeep's room.

With great difficulty, as he completed his morning routine, his head hammered with some blur memories of last night, but he still couldn't recall.

As Kuldeep entered the room, he noticed a tired Shubman holding his head in his hands, eyes shut.

"Oi Shubi, ye le." Kuldeep gave him some lime water to control his hangover.

Thankful for the gesture, Shubman savoured the tanginess of the drink and smiled at Kuldeep.

Kuldeep sighed and shook his head, a frown adored his face. "Shubi.. do you remember anything from yesterday?" He asked tentatively.

Shubman shook his head in a no as he sipped the last part of the drink.

"Check your phone" Kuldeep asked as he sat beside Shubman.

Shubman's eyes furrowed yet he complied with his senior.

What he saw, completely made him get over his hangover "WHAT THE F-"

He had called Ishan. Not just a call, but video call as well.

Slowly, he started remembering everything from yesterday night. His heart dropped as he recalled a tired yet smiling Ishan at his drunkard antics, those endearing nicknames and every detail.

With wide eyes he looked at Kuldeep who just patted his shoulder, in understanding.

Suddenly a knock on their door brought their attention towards it.

Shubman's eyes widened, as he opened the door to see none other than Rohit standing at the door with hands of his waist.

Overcoming the sudden shock, Shubman stepped aside for Rohit to enter.

"Mujhe tujhse baat karna hai.. akele mein" he said authoratively.

Kuldeep sensing the tension, patted in Shubman's back, as he left the room.

"Sit" he asked Shubman to sit on the sofa.

Shubman visibly gulped. Rohit was a person who was very serious during their practice sessions and matches. Rarely had he seen him being so serious in their personal environment.

"Yesterday Ishan called.." Rohit said, his eyes searching for a reaction from Shubman, which he received soon as he saw an embarrassed Shubman avoiding the eye contact, finding the hotel floors more interesting than the topic.

Rohit sighed and finally said "Shubi...I didn't want you to tell this, but Ishan is going through therapy sessions"

"Kya?" Shubman asked softly as his eyes widened.

There was a time, when both Ishan and Shubman shared everything with each other. From food to clothes, to family and personal issues everything.

The sudden revelation caused him to fear. "Is-is he ok?"

Rohit nodded and said "The therapist is a close friend of Ritika. The girl you saw in the article yesterday? Ya.. she was the one"

At that moment, Shubman wanted nothing more than the ground to open and swallow him.

How did I doubt my Ishu? He was suffering maybe much more than me and here I misunderstood him?! What type of a friend amI. He thought sadly.

Noticing the frown on Shubman's face, Rohit spoke "A while ago, Raj had called me. He told me what all Ishan was going through. Ishan still doesn't know that his therapist is someone for my contacts. But, yesterday he called me and he asked for something. Ishan asked me something for the 1st time and I could not say no to it. But I need your help in it..."

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