Day 21: Two grey eyes

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Mary's pov:

Changing the heart man's chest bandages. I feel exhausted. I had a big day today at work, and on top of that, I have stomach burns since lunch. Putting my physical state aside, I focus on the dude... Yawning and sighting on and on, I manage to change his bandage... 


Suddenly, a feeling of discomfort takes over me. I feel a bit embarrassed, as if I was being observed and judged. This feeling is quite new to me so i look up at the man's face, just to see.

-ha !! Haaaaaaa !! I said startled like crazy.

Surprised like never, I even felt on the other bed, in front of the heart man's one. 2 grey eyes. 2 grey eyes staring at me. 2 scary grey eyes scaring me and staring at me. I see them looking at me from head to toe, to end up being even more cold and judgy when they reach my eyes. We both stay quiet for a moment that feels like eternity. An eternity where I feel uncomfortable and wishing his annoying eyes stayed close for few months more. Eventually, the shock slowly goes away... damn! He scared me ! Shit, he's alive, I start to realize. Alive and annoyingly staring at me. In an unhappy way overall. It makes me frown and get up, ready to speak. I am the only one allowed to be unhappy and judgy here, let me make it clear. But before I have time to say anything, with a deep voice, the heart man goes :

-who are you ? 

-...someone you'll have to repay all your life, now that you're alive.

I see him giving me a weird smirk after a long moment. He seems like someone who analyses before asking, Bepo's contrary, I don't like that. Finishing the bandage trying to behave as if nothing had happened, I feel that tension up again. I don't like this atmosphere. He should be thanking me and asking me questions. Instead, he's just watching me doing. I definitively don't feel like trusting him, at all, he seems like a mastermind who calculates everything. At least, I'm sure he can't move, his body is too hurt, meaning that he won't do me bad. Looking up at his face, I state in my head that he definitively looks scary. Acting very calm and cold, I say:

-I've bandaged everything, your wounds are healed but you have broken bones that I can't heal. I heard you could do it later, so it's up to you. How do you feel ?

-...where is he ?

-who ? I said keeping my cold mask on. 

He just rejected my question shamelessly, confirming my assumptions. I don't feel him.

-Bepo. My bear.

He said in a more tired voice. I think he's going to fall asleep again. I bet he is done deciding if I'm a threat or not, so now he's just gonna fall back asleep shamelessly. I sight and start to think about what to answer him. Thinking about the word he used "my bear", I can't help but smile inside of me, very amused because he is probably as in love with his bear as the converse is true.

-he's outside in my field. Working in my crop. He's repaying.

Hearing this, he just smiles as an answer. I feel like he's reassured and has all the answer he needs before resting again. Nevertheless, in my part I don't have it at all, so I say :

-wait, you're both alive and well but you're doc, tell me if what I'm doing is enough!

-yeah... just keep it clean... Until I feel strong enough...

-yeah so...hum... and food and water ? Are you OK ??

-I'm ok... ...

-ok ok, sleep then. Be alive soon for my repayment...I said to warn him.

Aftera thin, almost not noticeable smirk, he closes his eyes again... he has very annoyingeyes. It is still stuck in my brain... brrr.... They are very grey, light but he has very dark lashes,giving him a strong but kind if cold glance...brr...I like him better asleep. Iwatch his body again, it's just as if he never woke up. Mmf. I carefully coverhim up, hiding even his shoulders under the sheets, making sure his pillow is fluffy.After a last skeptical glance, I light a fire in the chimney at the end of thebed and leave him. 

I have a big news to share now. Reaching the living-room I can tell Bepo working in the field outside, kneeling on the floor taking potatoes out...mmh ok he worked enough for today. I open the door and call him out :

-Bepo !!

-ha ?? Mary, you're here ?

-yes, come Bepo, you've worked enough ! Hurry !

-haa !! Ok ok captain ! He said, referring to my demanding tone. I sight and get inside.

5 minutes later he is putting 2 baskets of potatoes on the floor, I grab one and start to clean the potatoes after thanking him...

-Mary ?

-mmh !

-it's early. Why did you make me stop working ?


-ha ??

-Bepo, what's your favorite eye color ?

-ho ! It's light grey !

-mmmh... like Heart man's eyes ?

-yes exactly !

Krkrkr... I smile because he didn't notice anything ...

-ho, wait Mary !

-yes Bepo ?

-how do you know his eye color ! Since he's sleeping non-stop since he is here ?

-hehe... I don't know...

-what ?? Mary, tell me ! Is he awake ?? He asked getting up and clumsily making potatoes fall

-hehehe... He woke up for a little moment ago, when I was changing his bandage. He's going to live. I drop, taking a look at him.

And then I notice his eyes slowly widening, to end up tearing up and biting his lips hard... it makes me giggle and say :

-go see him already.

-yayayayaya CAPTAIIIIIIIN !?!!!

He said running upstairs, while I keep on preparing my potatoes for a fromagio dish. Hehe he just admitted that they are pirates. I knew he was his captain anyways, it's so obvious. It reminds me of him.... 

Bepo's courage 🐻❄️ // Trafalgar LawWhere stories live. Discover now