Day 49 : Dealing with the devil

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-hep Law ! Can I have you for a sec ?? Said Sabo before I could flee into my room after dinner. Shit.

-what for ? I asked clenching my jaw.

-few stuffs that will interest you, I'm sure. Said Sabo with a too big smile.

-I'll be the one judging that. I said crossing my arms.

-heh haha no need to bite huh ? We're on the same side here ! Come on let's go to your room so we can chat. He said, knowing the house too well. I sight and follow him, under Mary and Bepo's curious eyes. We reach my room, he sits on Bepos bed while I stay standing against the wall. Waiting.

-haa do you always have to stay on the defensive like that ?? Come and sit !

-no. What do you want ? I asked crossing my arms.

-ha, ok whatever... Well I have a deal for you.

-no. I'm done dealing. I already am indebted with her forever. I don't want any more deals. Even less with the revolutionary army.

-haha... I see... but it's not from the army. It's more from me personally. And it's something you can repay easily and quickly.

-ok fine. What do I win ?

-a chance to reach your crew ?

-i already have a plan. I said ready to leave the room.

-the letter in her editor journal, yes I know but what I'm offering you is bigger. Bigger than her archipelago magazine. do you even know about my letter ! I said starting to be upset.

-your bear told us.

And at this moment I kind of wish I could sew his mouth sometimes, because it means that she also knows that I want to use her that way. I sight and wait for him to finish his offer.

-so, what I'm offering you is room in our newspaper. Revolutionary one. For your letter. As much times as it needs to appear to make them notice it.


-you have my worlds.

-that would make me deal with revolutionary.

-no it's on me. It's my letter. And I'm the chief editor so it's only my business.

-...OK fine let's imagine that I accept. What will you want in return ?


I see him looking right into my eyes, looking for sincerity or idk what and I won't pretend that I have what he wants me to have, so I just say nothing and he ends up saying :

-i want you to take care of her. From now until her baby is 6-month-old.

-what !! No ! I'm not a babysitter!

-it's my only deal for you. And I know that you need a lot of time to recover and then to gain your strength back. Approximately 6 months I'd say.


I frown deep in my forehead, because ain't no way we can bear each other for 6 more months. Not in this current atmosphere at least. So I frown even more and ask :

-You should do it yourself. It's not my role.

-you're a doc.

-you're her.... Idk what but it's more your job than mine. I said confused about the fact that he's asking me this.

-i can't stay. I'm leaving tomorrow. I have a 6 month mission. I won't be here for her during this time. So let me put my trust on you and bring back your crew in reward.


-if you agree, I'll talk to her and ask her to tell you her story. Then maybe you'll create a better atmosphere. She's a good person as much as you are.

-the fuck you're asking me.

-come on. You need those 6 months anyways. And you need a ship and to make money again.

-i have money. I just need my crew.

-great ! Then it's easier for you ! And think about your bear ! He loves her !

-it's not the point. 

-come on I'm trying to make you see the silver lining...

-it shouldn't be me who should be here for her during that time. It makes no sense.

-it will. If you end up knowing her story, you will understand.

-...and who told you she agrees to keep us for 6 months huh ???

-she told me you were staying until you were recovered so it's already seen Law.'s easy for you. You just go and leaver her like that... but it's not my role. I'm almost a stranger for her. It is her husband's role, not mine ! She can give birth anytime now. You should stay.

-i can't. And I'm asking you. He said putting a hand on my shoulder. I immediately scare at him and he takes it of giggling embarrassed...and I ask :

-who are you for her for God sake !

-i can't tell you. She is the one owning the keys to that story. I won't force her.

-i think she lost the keys.

-hahahaha she didn't. Believe me.

-mmmf. I said thinking

-you know we print our newspaper worldwide huh ? To 80 0000 0000 copies... It's the RV news..

-i know what it is.

-huhu. Well, what are you saying ? Do we have a deal ?

-that doesn't make sense. How could you leave her to me like that, when we barely know each other ? Do you actually care about her ?

-i do ! Be sure of that ! And I know you're indebted to her, so you're linked too. And I saw how you still can't help but monitor her even if you're mad at her. The wine.

I sight and look at Bepo's bed... I need his advice. So I say :

-I'll think about it. I'll give you my answer tomorrow morning.

-yeah ? Let it be positive huh ? It's an easy process for you anyways. And you're already honoring it. He said getting up and giving me his hand to shake. I frown and say :

-we don't have a deal yet. I won't shake your hand bastard.

-hahahahha ! OK ok ! Haha see you tomorrow then ! I'll leave at 6 am huh ?

-you'll have an answer by then. I said wiping him away. When he is gone I lie on my bed, brain full of problems.



I'll slowly be back, i promise!

I just got my first job, and need time to settle in, but i'll try to post from timeto time!

Bepo's courage 🐻❄️ // Trafalgar LawWhere stories live. Discover now