Believe The Impossible - Chapter 3

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*sorry but I forgot to add that Cloud and Zack are twins but not identical as you can tell by their descriptions.

Cloud – he has blonde spikey hair and blue eyes. He is Zack’s twin and he is a few minutes older than him. He is wiser and stronger than Zack. His wolf is bigger, stronger and faster than Zack also. He has a mate but lost her because of their past. He blames himself for it. He can also control and feel someone else’s emotions. It helps him in battle. if he doesn't want to battle he tries to create peace and his power helps him tremendously.

Ok that’s all enjoy!*

Chapter Three

Aerith’s P.O.V.

Oh gosh!

Oh gosh!

Oh gosh!

Luis is going to kill this guy and for some strange reason I felt afraid. I felt afraid that Luis was going to hurt this guy a lot. But this didn’t make any sense I didn’t even know the guy or even his name! Why do I feel like…like…protecting him. As much as I didn’t want to I pushed him off of me and then I started walking cautiously walking towards Tommy. He was staring at me confused.

“It’s not what you think really.” I said trying to cover up for this guy.

“Oh really?” he asked. “Then what’s going on here? Why was he pinning you to the lockers?”

“Uhh…..because….uhh…” I couldn’t think of an excuse oh god. This guy is in BIG trouble.

“That’s what I thought” he said then the bell rang and he ran. And I knew where he was going. He was going to tell Luis. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. I was scared my legs started shaking and then I fell on my knees. I was gasping for air. My hands were shaking as I put them up to my chest. Then people started staring at me. I heard that guy talking.

“Hey! Hey! Are you ok?! What’s wrong?!” he kept shouting at me. I wanted to respond so badly but I couldn’t speak I was scared. I couldn’t figure out how to speak. Then I heard Luis and Sora. Oh god I think I'm having another asthma attack! They had the worst timing. AlI could do is gasp for air and I couldn’t even talk. I heard Sora scream then I felt her hands touching my face. I tried to focus on her no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t. my eyes kept shutting.

I saw Tommy whispering something into Luis’s ear. Gosh I wish I turned so I could hear what he was saying. Then I saw Luis’s eyes get bigger and then he took his focus off of me and then looked into the crowd. He looked angry so I followed his gaze. He was looking at that guy. He was about to get up to walk towards him. Then I grabbed his arm

“Please stay with me Luis” I managed to choke out. His face softened and then he looked at me. He held my hand as someone put an oxygen mask on me to help me breath. But i could tell i really didn't need it. i felt so clam. i wasn't scared anymore. what's going on?

“I promise I won’t leave you.” he said. Then my eyes started to close. No! Not now...i can’t fall asleep…not now……not………now…

Zack’s P.O.V.

She pushed me away from her and started walking toward that guy that was watching us.

“It’s not what you think really.” She said trying to stand up for me.

“Oh really?” he asked her rudely which made my wolf angry. “Then what’s going on here? Why was he pinning you to the lockers?”


“That’s what I thought” he snapped at her. It took all my self-control not to hit him right then and there. I couldn’t get myself in trouble, not now. He's a werewolf i could tell, so that means theres a pack. Then the bell rang and he was gone. I stared into the direction he left in and then I heard something hit the floor. When I looked over my beautiful mate was on her knees. I heard her gasping for air.

“Hey! Hey! Are you ok?! What’s wrong?” I shouted. I was about to walk over to her and then I heard someone scream. I looked in that direction and saw some girl walk up to my mate and try to comfort her. That should be me trying to comfort her. Then I saw a guy walk up to her and grab her hand. I growled but low enough for no one to hear. I was about to walk up to her but then someone grabbed my shoulder. I was about to hit whoever it was until I turned and saw it was my twin brother Cloud. Cloud is older than me by a few minutes. He was also much wiser than me so I always take his advice and listen to him. He also has this strange power where he can change someone’s emotion. It helps him a lot when I get angry at him. I could tell he was trying to make me calm down but my wolf was fighting back. It didn’t want to calm down but Cloud’s wolf was bigger and stronger than our wolf. So my wolf finally gave in.

‘I think it would be better if you just stayed here’ he said in my mind. i could tell he was calming her down because she got calm very quickly.

'thanks' i said while watching my mate being took to the hospital. Then he looked back at me and smiled.

‘She’s you mate. Isn’t she?’ said not wanting to speak out loud especially with humans around.

‘Yes but how-‘of course he knows what I'm feeling. Duh!

Cloud smiled at me again. I felt really bad for him Cloud has found his mate but his mate was kidnapped because of mine and my families past. She is still alive because sometimes they talk telepathically but it makes him upset when they talk so he talks to her less now. He tries to fake that he is okay but I know that he is faking it. I can see behind his fake smile. I can feel what he feels even though he tries hard to hide it from me especially.

‘Please’ Cloud begged ‘don’t think about that’ I could hear the sadness in his voice and he was now struggling to keep me calm while keeping himself calm.

‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset’ I apologized. I got to block him out of my head if I ever think about that.

‘I can still hear what you thinking....’ he said. Crap!

‘Get out of my head!’

‘It’s kind of hard to it’s like your shouting your thoughts into my head’ he said while calming me down more.

‘I have to go make sure she is ok’ I said looking at him. He nodded.

‘I’ll go with you.’ He said trying to act happy.

‘Alright. Let’s go!’ then we started running to the car. Cloud drove us to the hospital. Then I took a deep breath and we walked into the hospital.

Believe The Impossible (On Hold & Editing)Where stories live. Discover now