2. Date Slip! 🌹🌸

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Louis wakes up with a wet patch on his pants. He's in his crib, but he's not in his little space right now, so he climbs out of it and changes into joggers and a t-shirt. He chucks his wet nappy into the bin and goes downstairs.

"Hey, Haz" Louis smiles and walks over to Harry, who's buttering some toast. He goes on his tip toes and kisses his lips.

"Hi Lou, you a big boy today babe?" He asks, and gently kisses him back.

"Yeah, mind if I have a slice?" He points to a slice of Harry's toast.

"Not at all, take it" He offers and gives the slice to Louis, and takes a bite of his own.

They go and sit down on the sofa, and Harry moves some of Louis' toys and blanket out of the way.

They put the film 'Finding nemo' on in the background as they talk.

"So," Harry pipes up, "I was thinking as you're out of your headspace today, that we could go on a date?"

"Sure Hazza, where to?" Louis smiles.

"Maybe to the cinema? Or somewhere fancy, like a restaurant?" He gives some options.

"Could we go to the cinema? I feel like that's a better place to be rather than a restaurant, just in case I slip into headspace" He asks.

"Sure, love, if that's what you'd like" He kisses his cheek.


Louis sighs, he doesn't know what to wear. Casual, or fancy?

He decides on some black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. He also steals one of Harry's hoodies from his draw.

He gets dressed, and thinks it's best not to put a nappy on, but he'll take his changing bag anyway.

Louis skips down the stairs, while holding his bag. Harry's on the sofa talking to someone on the phone, so he puts down his bag, and goes over to him.

He slides himself onto Harry's lap, wrapping his legs around his waist.

"Yeah that's fine Barb, alright bye!" Harry says into the phone and hangs it up.

"Who's Barb?" Louis asks and looks up at him.

"Barbera, she works with me at the bakery. She was just asking if I could cover for her tomorrow" Louis hums.

"Is this what you're wearing love?"

"Yeah, is it bad? I can go change" Louis worries.

"No, no. It's great, you look amazing, I was just checking, baby" Harry reassures.

"Okay, can we go now?"

"Yeah, come on then" He pats his bum so they can stand up, and go to the door.

"Wait" Louis says, turning around. He grabs his bag and jogs over to Harry again.

"Ready?" He asks. Louis nods and they walk out the door and head to the car.


They're stood in the middle of the cinema lobby, deciding on what film to watch.

"Up there, Lou" Harry points to a screen with all the film names on them.

Movies Playing:
The Wizard Of Oz
The Little Mermaid

"Haz look!" Louis grins and points to Barbie.

"You wanna watch that love?" Harry asks and grabs Louis' hand.

Louis nods frantically, and skips over the counter, pulling Harry along.

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