10. Sick! 🌸

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"No, Daddy!" Louis argues.

"Lou, I won't ask again. Eat your lunch please, be a good boy" Harry says calmly.

"I no want it" Louis' eyes start to tear up, and he kicks his legs.

Harry stands up, picking up Louis with him, and walks over to sit on the sofa. But Louis makes a fuss, bursting out in tears and trying to wriggle out of Harry's grip.

"Down Daddy!!" He screams.

"Louis, we don't shriek. What's up with you today, huh? Feeling okay?"

Harry turns on the TV, which has Rapunzel already playing, gaining Louis' attention.

" 'punzel!" Louis smiles and sucks his thumb.

"No thumb baby, here you go." He puts a dummy into his mouth.


About 10 minutes into the film, Louis crawls onto Harry's lap, whimpering quietly.

"What's wrong, boo?" Harry kisses his forehead worriedly.

"Tummy hurt" A tear rolls down his cheek.

"Where does it hurt, lovely" He asks, to which Louis points at the middle area of his tummy.

"Do you feel like being sick? Or is it pain?"

"Sick Dada" Louis sobs.

"Okay baby, I've got you, your fine." Harry stands up with Louis in his arms and heads to the kitchen. He quickly makes Louis some milk in his sippy cup, but adds some medicine when Louis wasn't looking.

"Why don't you drink this then have a little nap, hmm?" Harry says aloud, not expecting Louis to respond.

"Daddy can Lou see Niall today?" Louis asks, puzzling Harry.

"You wanna see Niall? I thought you weren't feeling well." He replies gently.

"Niall make me feel better. Call him pweaaase Daddy"

Harry sighs, "I can call him and ask to come over, but you need a nap first, yes?" Harry tries to make a deal.

"But I no tired" Louis whines into Harry's shoulder.

"Then no Niall, baby. It's as simple as that."

"Ok ok I sleep Daddy!"

"Thanks babe. Now let's drink your milk"


Harry goes downstairs after putting Louis to bed. He heads to get his phone and call Niall.

Niall picks up after a couple rings, "Harry, what's up? Is Louis okay?" Niall rambles as soon as he answers the phone.

"Niall chill out. Louis is fine, he's asleep right now. I was just wondering if you can pop round for a bit. Lou was asking for you because he's not feeling too well today." Harry says slowly.

"Oh, sure, I can leave now. He's okay though, yea?" Niall checks.

"Yes Niall, he's fine" Harry chuckles.
They hang up the phone, and Harry takes the time before Niall gets here to pack away some of Louis' blankets and toys scattered around.

Ding Dong

The doorbell rings, to which Harry answers it, and is greeted by a smiling Niall.

"Y'alright Haz" Niall fist bumps him, and heads inside.

"Hey Ni. How ya been?" They head over to the sofa to chat.

"Good, good. Haven't really talked to Louis in a while, bit scared he's moved on from me." Niall says.

"Don't be stupid Niall, of course he hasn't!" Harry answers, shocked at what Niall suggested.

Niall sighs, and is about to say something, when Louis starts to cry on the baby monitor.

"Won't be a sec Niall" Harry dismisses himself and skips upstairs to the nursery.

"Hey, baby boy." Harry smiles down at Louis, but his smile disappears when Louis throws up onto himself.

"Uh oh! It's okay sweetheart, we can fix it" Harry soothes when Louis starts crying even harder than before.
He picks him out of his crib gently, careful not to get sick on his clothes, and lays him down on the changing table.

"Calm yourself down, Lou. You'll be sick again, and we don't want that do we?"
Harry changes him out of his dirty clothes and into a fresh onesie.

Louis sucks harshly on a dummy that was given to him, whilst Harry goes towards the staircase.

"Lou, Niall is here, be a good boy okay? I'll make you some yummy food for your tummy" He heads downstairs.

When Louis sees Niall he makes cute grabby hands for him, sniffing. Harry hands him over and Lou has a slight smile on his face when Niall kisses his hair.

"How's my Louis been? I hear your not feeling good today" Niall says, hoping for a verbal answer.

"Sicky" Louis whispers and plays with the string on Niall's hoodie.

"Oh dear, that's not good is it love?"
Harry walks over to them both, setting down a plate with strawberries, apple slices, and some warm milk for Louis, and also a coffee for Niall.

"Cheers Harry" Niall says, putting Louis down onto Harry's lap on the sofa.

"No problemo, eat up baby" Harry shows Louis the food.

He only ends up eating a couple strawberries and one apple slice, before complaining he was full.

"Want your milk now? Or you can have it later if you prefer" He gives him the choice.

"Later Daddy. Wanna cuddle wif Ni" Louis crawls over to Niall and sits on top of him.

After a bit more talking, Niall decides that it's time to head home, which Louis doesn't appreciate and starts to cry.

"Lou, come on please. Don't be like that. Let's head to bed yeah? I'll let you sleep with daddy tonight" Harry says and lays them both down in his bed.

Louis quietens down once he's cuddled up and in Harry's arms.


Hope you liked! I enjoyed writing this one. :))


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