7. Flowers! 🌸

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Harry is awoken in bed by something hitting his chest. He hums and sits up to see what it is.

"Daddy morning" Louis smiles down at him.

"Morning baby, how did you get out of your crib?"

"Lou Lou climb and jump"

"That's not good. You could've got an ouchie. Don't do it again alright?"

"No do again Dada." Louis says.

"Good, thanks love. Come on then, let's get ready. I've got a nice day planned for today, so best behaviour okay?"

"What we doing today?" Louis asks while Harry changes him into normal clothes instead of his pjs.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." Harry grins and kisses his nose.


"Ready to go?" Harry asks once Louis is buckled into his seat in the car.

"Ready Daddy but where teddy please?" Louis looks around and grins when Harry hands him his teddy.

The car door is shut and they head off to start their day out.

Almost 20 minutes of singing nursery rhymes on the radio, Louis starts to get bored.

"Nearly there?" Louis says over the music, which Harry turns down a little.

"Yes baby, I just need to find a parking space"

Harry swivels the car around the parking lot until he finds a free space. After he's stopped the car, he gets Louis out and they start to walk over to the building.

"What is it Daddy?" Louis skips next to Harry, whilst holding his hand.

"It's a flower garden. There's an indoor greenhouse with lots of nice pretty flowers, and then there's a big garden outside with some other plants to look at." Harry explains.

"Pretty flowers!" Louis cheers.

They enter the greenhouse and are greeted with the moist air and the smell of freshly watered flowers.

"Smells good right Hun?" Harry asks as they walk through the greenhouse and look at the flowers.

"Smells good" Louis smiles and skips over to a bright yellow flower.

He's about to pick it when Harry stops his with two gentle hands on his waist, guiding him away.

"No Daddy, I want the flower!" Louis whimpers and tries to run back to pick it.

"Ah-ah! Louis. We don't pick them okay? We can pick the flowers outside on the grass, but not inside. These ones are specially grown by the people working here alright?" Harry tells him as nicely as he can without making Louis even sadder.

"B-but this one is pretty and yellow!" Louis raises his voice and tears fill his eyes.

Harry sighs and bends down slightly so he's on Louis' eye level. He moves his fringe out of his eyes and kisses his forehead.

"Why don't we go have a look outside for another flower that you can take home? Would you like to do that, baby?"

"Flower" Louis cries and fiercely rubs at his eyes to keep back the tears.

"Come on then, love." Harry holds out his hand for Louis, but he doesn't take it. Instead, he lifts his arms up indicating for Harry to pick him up.

"Up, Dada please" Louis whispers.

"Good manners, baby. Let's cheer up a bit hmm? I wanna see your beautiful smiling face I love to see." Harry's tickles Louis' sides a little, making him smile a little, then tuck his head into Harry's neck.

They exit the greenhouse and follow the path over to some benches and daises scattered on the floor. Harry sets Louis down on the bench first, then takes a seat beside him.

"Can you go pick Daddy a nice flower?" Harry asks and rubs Louis' shoulder.

"Get dada nice flower" Louis mutters and hops down from the bench. He comes back holding a daisy out to Harry.

"Thanks baby. You okay now?" He checks, and lifts Louis' up so he's sat in his lap now.

Louis nods his head and presses himself further into Harry.

"Tired, my love?" Harry whispers sweetly.

"Mhmmm, tired Hazzy." Louis says back.

Wow. That was new. Louis has only ever called him 'Daddy' or 'Dada'.

"Shall we head home then? Maybe stop and get some McDonald's?" Harry stands up with Louis still bear hugging him.

Harry waits for an answer, but doesn't get one.

"Lou?" He asks and looks down at Louis. He finds him with his eyes shut and small snores coming from his mouth. He smiles and coos down at him and continues to walk to the car.


Hope U liked. :)


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