12. Nits! 🌹

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"Fuck sake" Louis curses and goes to scratch his head once again.

"Language Louis" Harry scolds firmly.

"Sorry Da-- I mean Harry" Louis stutters, glancing at Harry, then down at his hands.

"Don't go shy on me Lou, you can call me daddy when your out, and when your in headspace. It doesn't affect me, alright?" Harry says, holding Louis' hand.

"Okay, thanks Haz." He smiles and reaches a hand up to his hair again, but Harry stops him with a gentle hold on his wrist.

"It's itchy, isn't it?" Harry asks, to which, Louis nods.

"Let me take a look at it please love" He moves to take a closer look at Louis hair.

"Do I have nits?" Louis speaks after a few moments.

"Mhm," Harry mumbles, "which might mean that I have them in my long hair too" He cringes.

"Sorry Harry. I didn't mean to. I'll help you get rid of them I promise!" Louis worries.

"Baby it's fine, don't worry. We can do it together yeah?" Harry smiles.

Phone call:

"Hey Niall, would you mind picking up some shampoo and a nit comb, thanks" Harry says to Niall.

N: "Yeah course I can mate. I'll be there soon"


"Ughhh make it stop" Louis groans and shakes his hair.

"Lou, Niall's gonna be here in a minute, so quit moaning please. I have to deal with it too."

"Yeah but--"

"Louis. Stop." Harry's deep voice interrupts him.

Louis whispers something under his breath, facing away from Harry and crossing his arms.

"What did you just say?" Harry asks, sounding fed up.

"I didn't say anything." Louis rolls his eyes.

"Drop the attitude young man. I won't hesitate to put you over my knee"

"You wouldn't." Louis presses.

"Oh would I not? You wanna see?" Harry takes a step, but is interrupted by the doorbell.


"Thanks so much Niall, I appreciate it" Harry smiles and shuts the door whilst carrying some shampoo and a comb.

"Now, have you thought about what you said? You wanna tell me now?" He walks up to Louis and puts down the stuff beside where he's sat.

"You were being harsh for no bloody reason" Lou sighs and complies when Harry starts brushing his hair with some shampoo.

"I agree I was being harsh, and I apologise, but I've also got to deal with this and I'm not moaning am I baby?"

"I guess so. I'm sorry Hazza" Louis looks down.

"Don't worry about it, lovely" Harry reassures him.


"Ouch, Harry it's in my eyes!" Louis shuts his eyes tight.
"Sorry!! Here you go," he wipes away the shampoo and kisses his forehead gently.

Louis smiles and blushes, "finished yet?'

"Yeah baby, I'm done. Your turn to do my hair now!" Harry grins excitedly.

"Ughhh do I have to?" Louis groans.

"Yep, unless you want nits again?"

"Nope! I'll do your hair."


"EWWW!!!" Louis screeches and backs away from Harry.

"What!?!" Harry asks, turning round.

"T-there was a bug!" Louis points at Harry's head.

"Just ignore it and squish it with the cloth. It's fine Lou, I promise."


Sorry this chapter was shit!! I was tryna hurry up with it since I haven't updated in ages. But I'll try update again soon :)


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