9. Hiccups! 🌸

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"Three, two, one" Harry says.

Both at the same time, Harry and Liam slam one of their cards down on the table.

"Snap!" Harry announces loudly, and puts his hand over the matching cards.

"Ah, shit!" Liam curses.

"Unlucky mate" Harry laughs after taking the whole stack of cards from the table.

A soft rustling sound, followed by a whimper is heard through the baby monitor, which makes both boys turn their heads.

"Best check on Louis, do you wanna pack this all up, then we can have a cuppa quick before you leave." Harry says, standing up.

"Sure Haz" Liam answers.

Harry swiftly makes his way up to Louis' room and opens the door. He's met with a smiling Louis laying on his back, with his dummy bobbing in his mouth.

"Hi sweetheart. Did you have a nice sleep baby?" Harry coos and lifts him up to sit on his hip.

"Mhm dada" Louis yawns and fists Harry's jumper.

"Still sleepy?" He moves to go back downstairs.

Louis doesn't respond, making Harry look at him expectantly.

He's got his head resting on Harry's shoulder, sucking on his dummy harshly.

"You okay babe?" Harry asks while walking down the stairs.

"Da!" Louis grins and pokes Harry's dimple.

"Are we feeling extra little today, my love?" Harry smiles.

Louis cocks his head, "Hm?"

"Nothing baby, don't worry" Harry says and kisses Louis' nose, knowing Louis won't process much that he's saying while he's so deep in headspace.

They reach the bottom of the stairs, "Hey Li. Lou, wanna say hi to Liam?"

Louis stares blankly at Liam, mouth open slightly. He lifts his finger to point at him, then turns his face to Harry with questioning eyes.

"That's LiLi baby. Can you wave?" He asks and goes to stand Infront of Liam.

Louis waves slightly, then hides his face in Harry's neck. Liam smiles and hands Harry a cup of hot tea.

"Thanks mate" Harry says and goes towards the living room to sit on the sofa.

He keeps Louis on his lap, but faces Liam opposite him, "You up to anything for the rest of today?"

"Yeah, I'm going on a date later tonight" Liam smiles.

Harry laughs, "She pretty then?"

"Very. Why, you interested in my girl Harold?" He jokes.

"No thanks mate" Harry grins.

Liam gives him a smile and puts his cup on the table before saying, "Right, I better be going now."

"Yeah, no problem Li. Thanks for coming" They both stand; Harry with Louis on his hip.

They say their goodbyes at the front door.

"Lou, you want a baba?" Harry asks, looking at Louis.

"Baba!" He shrieks.

"Inside voice please, bubs" Harry scolds gently.

Louis' eyes fill with tears, and his bottom lip wobbles ever so slightly.

"Hey, hey, no tears, baby. Daddy's not mad at you." He rocks him as best as he can while on his hip, and puts a bottle in the microwave.

Louis sniffles and tucks his head into Harry's neck, while fisting at Harry's jumper lightly. The timer on the microwave starts beeping, signalling that the milk is nice and warm.

Harry walks them over to the sofa and takes a seat, laying Louis across his chest so he can feed him.

"Here, baby" He whispers, showing Louis the bottle.

He drinks the milk quite fast at first, but slows once Harry says to slow it down a little. When the milk is all finished, Harry burps Louis over his shoulder.

What he didn't expect to happen, was for Louis to make a high pitched sound of some sort.

"You okay, Lou?" Harry asks worriedly.
Louis' eyes fill with worry too, to match Harry's facial expression.

"Da--hic" Louis starts, but gets interrupted by the sound again.

His eyes immediately tear up, while he lets out a huge cry. Harry stands and rushes to pick his baby up.

"Awh, love don't cry. It's alright, Daddy's here" Harry whispers into Louis' ear, despite his cries.

"Da, hwelp Lou--hic" Harry coos at the sight, and moves into the kitchen with Louis.

"It's okay babe, the noise is scary, yes, but it'll go away. It's nothing to cry about. Can you be a brave boy for Daddy and wipe those tears?" He asks gently, getting a drink of water for Louis.

He watches as Louis attempts to wipe his eyes, and waits till he's finished to help him drink the water.
Louis pushes it away and shakes his head at Harry.

"Yes baby, it'll help the hiccups go away. Do it for Daddy?" Harry uses puppy dog eyes.

"Da!" Louis nods his head and grins, slurping up some water from the glass. Once he's had a few sips, Harry takes it and puts it away again.

"My precious boy. So good for Daddy aren't you?" Harry smiles and tickles Louis' waist, making him erupt in a fit of giggles. They head over to the living room again, and sit on the carpet.

"Pway--hic" Louis giggles when he's interrupted.

"Yes, you can play, baby" Harry laughs with him, grabbing Louis' toy box and bringing it over for him.


After about 30 minutes of playing, and giggling later, Louis exclaims, "No more Dada!"

"No more play time?" Harry asks, to which Louis nods his head 'yes'.

"What shall we do then, hmm?" He scooches them both back a little, so they're sat on the sofa now.

"Watch--hic--peppa!" Louis giggles.

"Okay, bubs. Peppa it is." He smiles, and starts Peppa pig on the TV.

Louis soon gets tired of listening to the TV, and decides to close his eyes, with two fingers between his rosy lips.

"Ah-ah. No fingers please Lou, C'mon, time for a nap. Shall I get you your dummy princess?" Harry stands and heads upstairs to Lou's nursery.

"Dum dum" Louis nods sleepily.

"Alright my baby. Let's change you first" He lays Louis down on the changing table and puts a fresh nappy and pink onesie on.

"All done!" He smiles and tickles Louis' tummy.

He giggles, "no t'ckles Da"

"Okie doke baby, no more tickles. Time for sleepies. Have you got teddy?" Harry asks, and smiles when Louis shows him his pink bunny.

"Have a good nap, princess, I love you" Harry kisses his forehead and lays a half asleep Louis down in his crib.

Before he shuts the door, he hears a little, "wuv you dada"


Ewwwww I hated this chapter, but hope you liked. Gimme feedback if you like :)

Also sorry I haven't updated in a while but still, I'm trying my best.


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