5. New Toy! 🌸

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"Right, I'm off to the shops now, I'll be an hour at most ok?" Harry says to Liam, who's currently sat on the sofa, babysitting Louis while he goes out.

"No problem mate, take as long as you need" Liam smiles.

"Thanks Li, Louis should be asleep for another 20 minutes maybe. But when he wakes up, change him and just play with him or watch telly until I'm back yeah?"

"Understood Boss" Liam jokes and fakes a salute.

Harry laughs and exits the house, getting into the car and driving to the shop.


Harry sighs and checks the shopping list.

"Potatoes, where are you?" He mumbles to himself and searches around. He finds them and pushes the trolley over, grabs a bag and fills it with 5 potatoes.

"What's next? 3 tomatoes." He whispers and gets tomatoes, along with carrots, crisps, cheese, chocolate, milk, bread and other necessities that are on the list.

Once he's finished, he goes down the toy aisle. There are shelves full to the brim with cars, teddies and books.

He grabs a white teddy bear with a red bow on its neck, and a children's book called 'Pow!' for Louis.

Harry goes to the checkout and pays for all his things, and heads back to the car to go home.


Louis' eyes open slowly, adjusting to the light coming through the curtains. He only went for a nap, but he feels so tired still.

"Daddy?" He calls out and whimpers when he doesn't get a reply.

He lets tears fall and sobs leave his mouth, until Liam rushes into the room, picking him up and rocking him back and forth in his arms.

"Hey, now now. Daddy will be back soon okay? Why don't we change you?" Liam soothes.

He gets him out of his nappy and puts on a red and white onesie.

"Bot bot Li" Louis whispers and tucks his head into Liam's neck.

"Ok Lou, let's go get it"

They walk downstairs and Louis is put on the sofa while Liam gets his bottle.

He comes back and sets Louis onto his lap, giving him his bottle and helping him to drink it.


Harry opens the door quietly, knowing that it's still Louis' nap time. He's met with a sleeping Louis on top of Liam, resting his head on his shoulder. Harry smiles and puts the shopping away in rapid speed, wanting to be with his baby.

"Hey" Liam smiles and waits for Harry to sit before passing Louis over gently.

"Hi Li, was he good?" Harry asks, rubbing Louis' back slowly.

"Yeah, great. He woke up asking for you, but I changed him and gave him his bottle, but he fell asleep on me" Liam chuckles, along with Harry.

But they must have been too loud, as Louis stirrs a little, and cracks his eyes open.

He whines and looks up, "Daddy back home!" Louis gives Harry a wet kiss on the cheek.

"Hello baby, we're you a good boy for Liam?" Harry gives him a small kiss on the cheek back.

"LouLou was good boy!" He giggles.

"Well done baby, since you were well behaved, I got you a present"

"Present!" Louis squeals.

Harry gets up with Louis on his hip, and grabs the bear and the book out of the bag, holding it behind his back so Louis can't see.

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