13. Chocolate biscuits! 🌸

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A knock at the front door awakens the two sleeping boys on the sofa.

"Hmm?" Louis grumbles, hands roaming for his dummy. He finds it lying by Harry's shoulder so grabs it and slots it into his awaiting lips.

"Hey sweetheart," Harry's raspy morning voice startles Louis, "sleep good? You looked pretty comfy on my tummy" He smiles and sits up with Louis on his lap.

"Mhm, sleep good dada. Door knock" Louis points to the door.

"There was a knock wasn't there love, shall we go see who it is"
They stand up and Harry shifts so Louis is on hip, before walking towards the door.

The person knocking goes to hit the door again, but their knock is cut off by the door opening.

"O-Oh uh, hi." A young looking lady shows a tight lipped smile.
She's holding a pink tin which is wrapped in a cute little pink bow.

"Hey? Can I help you?" Harry asks wearily, rubbing a hand up and down Louis' back also.

"Yeah, um, I just moved in nextdoor, and I thought I'd make biscuits for all the neighbours, so here I am. My name is Jennifer, it's nice to meet you" 'Jennifer' rushes out.

"Hi Jennifer, I'm Harry and this is Louis here," He smiles, "Thanks for the biscuits, you really didn't have to do that" He finishes, taking the tin that he had been offered.

"Your welcome. I-Is that a m-man?" She whispers as if Louis isn't there"

"Oh, yeah. You have a problem with it?" Harry frowns slightly.

"No! No, not at all. Ageplay I'm gonna guess?" She asks.

"Yeah...." Answers Harry, eyes narrowing.

"Cool. My sister does ageplay with her boyfriend."

"That's nice." There's a pause between them.

"Well I best be off now. Enjoy the biscuits boys!" She grins and walks away.

Harry watches her walk away before shutting the door.

"Daddy biccys!" Louis shouts happily.

"Shall we try these biscuits then baby?"

"Yes!!" Lou claps his hands, smiling.

Harry opens the tin and grabs a biscuit for himself and one for Louis.

"I eat?" Louis asks.

"Go ahead love." Harry takes a bite of his own and closes his eyes when warm first chocolate melts on his tongue.

"Mmmmmm!" He finishes the biscuit in one more bite.

"Yummy daddy!" Louis giggles. He had chocolate all over his mouth, and cheeks.

The two spent the rest of the morning eating chocolate biscuits and giving eachother kisses.


I took ages to upload I am so sorry 😬😬

Hope you liked it :)


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