6. Noise! 🌹

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Louis' not in headspace btw:)

Louis had just finished rewatching one of the friends episodes on netflix, while waiting for Harry to get home from work.

He'd persuaded him that he would be fine on his own, because he's not in headspace, but he had to promise Harry that if he felt he was going to slip, he would call him straight away.

He sinks further into the sofa and presses play on the next episode.

Another half an hour goes by, and Louis is bored. So bored he starts wandering round the house aimlessly.

He decides on trying to cook scrambled eggs for Harry for when he gets home. He gets all things necessary; a frying pan, eggs, milk, butter and a spatula. (I use a spatula to stir it)

Louis has watched Harry cook plenty of times, so it can't be that hard.

He flicks on the stovetop and puts the frying pan down. Slowly, some butter is added into the pan, and he cracks 3 eggs into it.

The eggs start to get less runny, so Louis stirrs it some more.

After about 5 more minutes of stirring, he decides that the eggs are ready, so he gets a plate, and a knife and fork.

"Ooh I should get some wine for Harry" Louis says aloud. He wanders to their wine cupboard and takes out one of the red wines.

When he gets back to the kitchen though, he's greeted with the smell of burning. He turns to the stovetop to see the eggs black, and a lot of smoke coming of them.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

The smoke alarm starts going off.

Louis quickly reacts and takes the pan off the heat. He's engulfed with all the smoke though, and starts coughing heavily. Once the pan is in the sink, and the heat turned off, Louis is stressed. The smoke alarm is still beeping away, making Louis wince and cover his ears.

He sinks down, back against the kitchen island, and lets the tears flow as he pushes his hands further into his ears.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"What the..." Harry asks confusedly. He shuts the front door of the house and jogs into the kitchen to where the noise is coming from.

He's met with a red faced Louis sat on the floor with his hands over his ears. He softens at the sight, but remembers the noise.

He grabs a broom and hits the detector on the ceiling, until the noise is gone.

Louis lifts his head when he sees Harry, eyes red and puffy from crying.

"S-stop, make the n-noise stop" He sobs and pushes his hands into his ears again.

Harry crouches down Infront of him and gently takes his hands away from his face and ears. He moves Louis' hair out of his eyes and kisses his forehead.

"The noise is gone baby, it's okay." Harry soothes.

"It was l-loud in my ears!" Louis cries again.

"Shhh, I know, love. Take a breath. Slow. Your okay," Harry whispers. He manages to pull Louis onto his lap, despite their strange position on the kitchen floor. "Talk to me baby. What happened?"

"I-I, the, the pan, it" Louis stutters and rubs his eyes.

"Take your time, sweetheart. Remember deep breaths yeah?"

Louis nods before continuing, "I thought I would c-cook you scrambled eggs for when you got home from work." Louis pauses.

"Thank you Lou, that was a nice idea." Harry thanks.

"A-and I went to get some wine for you too, but I came back a-and it was all black and smoky and I panicked."

"And the noise was stressing you out too?" Harry asks gently.

"Mhm. I'm so sorry. I'm stupid. I shouldn't have tried to cook. Dunno why I thought it would work" Louis whispers.

"Hey, don't doubt yourself, okay? Your not stupid, you had a nice idea and decided to try it out, didn't you?"

"I guess. Are you mad I ruined your pan?" Louis asks worriedly.

"Baby no. Not mad at all. In fact, I'm happy that you tried something new, even if it didn't turn out the way you planned. However, it was a little dangerous, just incase you slipped into headspace while cooking, or something. Don't do that again okay?" Harry explains.

"Okay, sorry." Louis sighs.

"Don't be sad. I'm still not mad."

"Hey, you rhymed!" Louis grins.

"Yeah, I did baby. Now why don't we cuddle and have some ice cream, hmm?" Harry suggests.


Did this in about 15 mins. Very proud of myself actually. :)


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