A Perfect Opportunity

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It was a warm, beautiful and crisp summer day at Monarch Outpost 57. It had been of course a normal, average day business at the facility. Noah Harris, who has worked for Monarch at Outpost 57 since the age of 21 was in his living suite, observing the recent studies of Godzilla being observed at Outpost 54, also known as Castle Bravo in Bermuda on his computer. Eric had always been fascinated with Godzilla ever since the events of his fight with Kong and MechaGodzilla in Hong Kong that occurred a year prior.

"Man. This is the reason why I enjoy working for Monarch. I just become so fascinated with these impressive Titans." He thought to himself.

Then, 27-year-old Rachel Parker, a female Monarch scientist who has worked at Outpost 57 since she was 24, entered Noah's suite. Rachel was also Noah's girlfriend and has been with Noah ever since they both met at college.

"Hi Noah. I would like to inform you that Monarch has planned a presentation at San Diego State University today. Along with that, we are presenting a special serum that we have recently developed in our laboratory." Rachel said.

Noah was rather surprised to hear that. He went to SDSU for college with Rachel. Noah was also surprised to hear about the serum that was going to be presented.

"Really? I didn't know that. I attended college at San Diego State University. If Monarch is having a presentation there, then that sounds pretty interesting to me." Noah said.

"So, would you like to join us, Noah?" Rachel offered.

Noah instantly knew to himself that appearing at the Monarch presentation would be a perfect opportunity to boost his notoriety as a member of Monarch.

"Of course, I would! Besides, why would I turn down an offer like that?" He said as he quickly made his way out of his suite.

Rachel simply sighed to herself, feeling rather surprised that Noah took that offer rather quickly.

"Wow. Looks like Noah's eager to join." She thought to herself.

Noah made his way into the laboratory where he noticed a male scientist who was working on what seemed like the serum that Rachel was talking about.

"Hey there Mr. Barnes. I heard that you and the scientists have made a serum that you are presenting at San Diego State University." he said.

35-year-old Louis Barnes was another Monarch scientist. He has worked at Outpost 57 since he was 30 years old because of his fascination with science and biology.

"Yes. This is the serum right here Noah. This serum has been sent to us by Monarch operatives from Castle Bravo and was made from extractions of Godzilla's body DNA and his blood. We will be showcasing this at the Monarch presentation at SDSU." Louis explained as he showed the serum to Noah.

The serum tube had a label with 'Godzilla Serum' written on it.

Noah was very fascinated at what he had heard about the serum. He instantly became on board with attending this presentation.

"That sounds amazing! I would love to join this presentation!" Noah said with excitement.

Rachel made her way into the laboratory.

"Well, it looks like Noah is rather excited to join us for this presentation." She said.

Louis instantly got an idea on what to do with the serum.

"You know what, I have an interesting idea. How about we test out this serum on Noah? He is clearly excited about it." he offered.

Noah instantly heard what Louis was saying and felt amazed at the idea. He never knew that testing a serum on a person would be possible.

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