A Complete Blur

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Once Noah arrived at Outpost 57, everything became a blur. As soon as the doors of the armored Monarch vehicle opened up, he could only see blurs of several outpost operatives and scientists and heard blurred voices of them calling out to him as he got carried out and brought into the outpost by Rachel and Louis. Upon entering the outpost, Noah could barely see anything except just blurs of everything that was around him.

It seemed like Noah was losing consciousness from all of this. Even though Noah was in a complete blur, he clearly felt scared and afraid of what was going on.

"We need to take Noah into the medical wing as soon as possible!" Rachel shouted.

"Once we get in there, we need to sedate him immediately!" Louis added.

Once Rachel and Louis arrived at the medical wing, they quickly placed Noah chest down onto a flat exam table as a female Monarch doctor, Stacy Bennent rushed into the room with a sedation needle.

As soon as Noah began to see better, he began to panic in fear.

"Rachel! Louis! Please help me!" Noah cried out.

Rachel and Louis knew that it was time put Noah into sedation.

"Madam! Please put Noah into sedation! We need to give him some time to rest!" Louis said.

Stacy quickly pulled out a sedation needle and injected the serum into Noah's arm.

Noah instantly began fall into a deep sleep once the sedation serum was injected into his body.

After Noah was placed into sedation, Rachel began to panic about what had just gone down.

"Oh my god! This is not good! I didn't know that the Godzilla worked that well!" Rachel said.

Louis comforted Rachel as he looked at Noah, who was now in a complete sedation.

"I know Rachel. Everything will be alright. We will explain everything to Noah once he wakes back up from his sedation." Louis said as he patted Rachel on the back.

Rachel and Louis left the medical wing while the female doctor stayed with Noah to keep a close eye on him.

Rachel still felt worried for Noah. From what had just happened, things for Noah were about to change completely.

Word Count: 353


Author's Note: This is the first short chapter in this story. There will of course be a few more short chapters throughout as the story progresses.

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