The Transformation

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Most of the Monarch presentation went very well. The presentation was mostly about the history of Monarch, as well as some of its notable outposts around the world and the most notable Titans that have been observed by the organization. Now it was time for the reveal of the Godzilla serum.

"Now since we have gone over everything about the history and promising legacy of Monarch, scientist Louis Barnes would like to share something with you all." Rachel said.

Louis made his way to the stage with large applause from the crowd. Once Louis got onto the stage, the crowd settled down. Louis knew that it was time for him to show off the Godzilla serum.

"Alright everyone. I hope you all have had a great time attending this presentation. Now before we end this presentation, I would like to share with you a brief demo on a very special serum that was sent to us by our operatives from Outpost 54 located in Castle Bravo, Bermuda." Louis said.

Louis then pulled out the serum tube that contained the Godzilla serum. The crowd seemed rather amazed to see a Godzilla serum introduced by Monarch.

"Now, the key purpose of this serum is to give an average male human the vital abilities of Godzilla. This includes advanced strength, swimming and of course, his atomic breath." Rachel explained.

The crowd was very impressed with what they had heard.

"So, in order to show the Godzilla serum's true potential, we will be testing it out on a very special guest, operative Noah Harris." Louis added.

Noah heard all of this from behind the curtain. He knew, it was experiment time.

"All right. Let's do this!" Noah said to himself with excitement.

Noah made his way out of the curtain and onto the stage to a large applause. Noah felt very excited for this experiment and waved to the crowd as the applause from the crowd continued.

"All right everyone. Settle down." Rachel said.

The crowd quickly quieted down.

Noah was now ready to showcase the Godzilla serum with Rachel and Louis.

"Hello everyone. I am so proud to be the test subject for this Godzilla serum. This is truly a first of its kind to ever be created by Monarch." Noah explained.

"So, without further ado, let us test this serum and see what develops from it." Louis said as he approached Noah with the Godzilla serum, which was now in a medical syringe.

Noah began to feel very nervous about what was going to happen. But he knew that there was no turning back from this. Besides, he was excited to see what the Godzilla serum would do.

"Alright Louis. Inject the serum." Noah said as he pulled the left sleeve of his shirt.

Louis did exactly what he was told. He rubbed Noah's upper arm with a disinfecting wipe and injected the full Godzilla serum.

"Gah! Shit!" Noah grunted in pain.

The crowd reacted in shock. They knew that they were in for a big surprise.

After the entire Godzilla serum was injected into Noah's arm, Louis removed the syringe out.

"There we go. Now, from what we have heard from the people who sent this to us, this serum will take a while to take effect." Rachel said she got up off of her seat.

After the syringe was removed, Noah's vision began to feel extremely blurry and he slowly began to stumble around.

"Ugh. Wh... what's going on?" Noah thought as he leaned on the table to try and regain his balance.

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