Descriptions of Human Mothra and Human Rodan

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Description of Human Mothra:

Full Name: Maria Sarabeth.

Gender: Female.

Year of Birth: 1997.

Age: 30 years old.

Height: 5'3.

Weight: 127 lbs.

Hair Color: Honey Blonde with White Fade.

Eye Color: Bright Blue.

Complexion: White.


Description of Human Rodan:

Full Name: Raziel Rodriguez.

Gender: Male.

Year of Birth: 1996.

Age: 29 years old.

Height: 5'8.

Weight: 154 lbs.

Hair Color: Dark Brown with Red Fade.

Eye Color: Orange.

Complexion: Olive.


Author's Note: I am very excited to share these two in the story. In fact, they will debut in the very next chapter of this story. I will start work on Chapter 7 right away, though I will not rush myself and will take as much on this chapter to make it satisfactory. Chapter 7 will also be a two-part chapter. So, it will be a very interesting chapter. Have an awesome day! 👍

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