Encounters Part 2

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After a quick 7-minute drive from the San Elijio Lagoon and Ecological Reserve, Noah, Raziel and Adam arrived at Solana Beach.

"Here we are guys. We have arrived at our destination." Adam said as he parked the Surburban in the parking lot.

Noah and Raziel quickly hopped out of the SUV. Once Noah got out of the Suburban, he instantly spotted a 5'3 women with large, open butterfly wings in the center of the beach who was staring directly into the sky. A group of beach tourists and Monarch personnel surround the winged woman. Thankfully, none of the Monarch personnel members were carrying weapons.

"Looks like the woman that you were talking about Raziel." Noah said as he noticed the crowd of people surrounding the moth-winged woman.

"You are absolutely correct about that." Raziel added as he took Noah by the hand and took him to the crowd.

Noah and Raziel made their way to the crowd. As they got close, they were able to get a clearer look at this winged woman. She was 5'3 and was wearing dress hidden by a long cloak with white fur around the neck hole, all dawned with stripes of orange, blue, yellow and blue, as well as short, brown boots with some white fur at the top as well. She also had long honey blonde hair with a white fade.

The winged woman quickly noticed what were in her eyes was two strangers approaching her.

"Wait! Stay back you two! I don't want to be disturbed right now!" she panicked as she covered her entire body with her wings.

"Hold on! We are not here to hurt your young lady!" Noah explained as he got closer.

Just then, the winged woman quickly brandished a pair of dual, sharp rapiers, hidden in her long cloak. Noah and Raziel, along with the crowd that was circling around her quickly backed away in panic.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Hold up! We are not here to cause any trouble!" Noah said.

"Yeah! We are not going to inflict any harm on you!" Raziel added.

After that, the winged woman placed her rapiers back into its holsters.

"Very well then. I would like to have a private conversation with the young man with the black hair." she said.

Noah felt that he wanted to make proper introductions to this mysterious, winged woman.

"Uh, my name's Noah. Right next to me is Raziel." Noah said.

"What's your name madam?" Raziel asked.

"The name's Maria Sarabeth. Quite a pleasure to meet you both." she replied.

After that, Noah then decided it was time for him and Maria to have the conversation she requested.

"Very well then. Let us go to somewhere isolated so you and I get to know more about each other." Noah offered as he held onto Maria's hand.

"Perfect." Maria said.

Noah and Maria made their way to an empty area of the beach.

"So tell me Noah, what happened to you that made you what seems a human version of the powerful Godzilla himself?" Maria asked.

"Well, a few days ago, I was injected with a Godzilla serum after a Monarch presentation at SDSU. The serum surprisingly worked very well and because of that, I have been given all of Godzilla's physical features and his special abilities." Noah replied.

Maria was of course intrigued with the information she was hearing.

"Very interesting. Well, for me, when I was 25 years old, I found a mysterious stone that was laced with strange, magical powers. Once I had managed to get a full hold of it, the stone unlocked all of its powers and I was soon turned into the human embodiment of the Queen of the Monsters, Mothra. Because of that, I have since received Mothra's distinct abilities and features." she added.

Noah was rather surprised with Maria's story.

"Wow. That is indeed interesting." he said.

Just then, Maria came up with an idea.

"Say. Since you are the human embodiment of Godzilla himself, would you perhaps like to be on my side and become my loyal protecter?" she asked.

Noah was very shocked about Maria's offer. But now since he was with Raziel, he knew that there was no way he would turn that down.

"Well, that does sound very intriguing. So yes. I do accept your little offer madam." Noah accepted as he shook Maria's hand.

Maria simply smiled.

"Perhaps we can put all of this into motion the next time we meet each other, Noah." she said.

"I agree. Besides, I think it's time I head back to Outpost 57 for the day" Noah added.

Noah and Maria made their way back to the crowd at the beach. Raziel noticed Noah's return.

"How did your conversation go Noah?" Raziel asked.

"Well, I have come to conclusion that I will become the loyal protector to Maria Sarabeth." Noah replied.

Raziel, along with Adam and the crowd were rather shocked to hear that.

"Really? Well then, I am very surprised." Raziel said.

"Perhaps me and Raziel could help assist you whenever you need any serious help in a dangerous situation of any kind." Maria added.

"Of course. I would love to have some useful assistance. You two would be perfect partners to work by my side." Noah said.

Just then, Adam decided that was time to bring Noah back to Outpost 57. It was after all a pretty long day for Noah.

"Mr. Harris. We should head back to Outpost 57. It's been a very long day." Adam said.

"I agree. I have had enough encounters for one day." Noah added.

Noah and Adam made their way back to the Suburban. As Adam started his SUV, Raziel ran up to the passenger side of the vehicle.

"I would like to say one more thing to Noah before you two head out!" Raziel said.

"Better be something important young man." Adam scoffed.

"Just remember Noah. If you get caught up in anything serious, I'll be there for you. As well as Maria." Raziel said to Noah.

"No worries Raziel. Just be safe out there. Maria as well." Noah added.

After that, Adam and Noah left Solana Beach and they were on their way back to Outpost 57.

Word Count: 990


Author's Note: After a long delay, Part 2 of Chapter 7 has finally arrived. I would like to apologize for getting this chapter finished up in time as I was hoping.

The reason for that is because I saw there was no use in finishing it before my vacation to the Dominican Republic in June by the 7th. 🏖️

Then, two days after I returned home from my vacation, I ended up getting Covid and got sick as a result. Once I was feeling better, I somehow felt a little lazy and forgot about finishing up this chapter. 🤒

However, despite all of this, I have finally managed to get around and finished the rest of this part. 😅

So, with all of that out of the way, I would like to apologize for the long wait for the second part of Chapter 7. I do hope this was worth the long wait. Yes, this part is a little shorter than the first part. But I personally don't mind that. 👌

Also, I would like to say thank you for getting this story up to 846 reads. I do greatly appreciate that. 👏

I will start laying out work on Chapter 8 soon. But for now, I hope you all enjoy the second part of this chapter. 👍

Thank you very much and have a great day! 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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