New Day, New Life

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It was the next morning and Noah woke up feeling much better after last night.

"Oh man. Last night was a complete trainwreck. But at least I feel a lot better after some much-needed rest." He said as he rubbed his eyes and got up off the bed.

Noah knew that since he is basically a human version of Godzilla, his life was going to be completely different because of it. However, he also knew to himself that he was going to do his best to make his new life easier.

Noah made his way into the laboratory, where Louis was looking up the final results from last night's observations on the computer.

"Good morning, Louis. I can see your checking up on the observation results."

"Of course, I am still rather surprised that the Godzilla serum worked that well on you." Louis said as he wrote some of the results down on a sheet of paper.

Just then, Dr. Stacy entered and seemed surprised to see Noah already up and out of his room.

"Good morning, Noah. I'm surprised to see you up and early." she said.

"I know. At least I got the rest I needed after what happened last night." Noah said.

"I would like to inform you that this morning, NBC 7 San Diego made a news report about your little transformation at SDSU. Some of our team members that stayed at the university after we left stated to the college staff that they would accept responsibility for what happened." Dr. Stacy added.

Noah felt guilty from what he was hearing.

"I know. To be honest, I never thought something like this would actually happen." he said as rubbed his right hand on his neck.

"But on the bright side, at least you are still alive and here with us Noah." Louis added as he got up off of his chair and gathered up all of the printed test and observation data papers.

Noah then decided that he wanted to see how Rachel was doing since he was a bit concerned for her after last night.

"Is Rachel still asleep in her room? I do need to talk to her after everything that happened last night. I felt a little worried for her after those observations last night." Noah asked.

"Actually. Rachel is already up. She is at the observation deck at the second level." Louis replied.

Once he heard this, Noah wasted no time and made his way to the second level observation deck to see his girlfriend. Rachel was sitting on a lounge chair in the front of the observation deck, which showed a large, sprawling view of the Pacific Highlands Ranch and Caramel Valley Open Space.

"Good morning, Rachel." Noah called out.

Rachel turned away and was rather surprised, yet relieved to see Noah.

"Hi Noah. Glad to see you ok after everything that happened last night." she said.

"Good to see you too. I'd like to spend some time with you up here." Noah added.

Noah then sat onto a flat barstool in the front of the observation deck to observe the view.

"Oh wow. You look much different Noah. Especially your back." Rachel pointed out as she looked Noah's tail and dorsal fins.

Noah simply sighed to himself after hearing Rachel's comment on the changes on his body.

"I know. I guess I have to stay away from laying on my back, as well as sitting on certain types of chairs because of that. I also have to basically changed my whole life because of what has happened to me." he said.

Rachel felt bad for Noah. But deep down, she knew that she didn't want her own friend to blame himself and feel that everything that happened to him last night was his fault.

"Hey, none of this your fault Noah. There is no need for you to blame yourself. This could perhaps be a good thing for you." Rachel explained as she wrapped her right arm around Noah's neck.

Noah managed a smile after hearing what Rachel told him. He indeed knew deep down that what happened was not his fault. However, he felt a little unsure about all of this being a good thing for him.

Just then, Louis entered the observation deck with Adam Nelson from the night before.

"Good morning, Noah. Me and Louis have made an interesting decision for you while you were away." Adam said.

"Really? What is it, Mr. Nelson?" Noah asked as he turned over to him.

"Well, since you are basically a human/hybrid of Godzilla, I would like to offer you to participate in a little training session that Adam and other armed Monarch personnel members have set up." Louis said.

Noah was rather surprised to hear that. He knew that he wasn't going to pass down on that offer.

"Wow. That sounds very interesting. Sure, I'll participate in it. Besides, how could I ever turn that down." Noah agreed as he approached Louis.

Louis smiled upon hearing Noah accepting the offer.

"Very well then, just follow Adam to the training room and you will get started right away." he said.

Noah quickly wasted no time and went to Adam and they both made their way into the training room inside the outpost.

"It seems like you are quite eager to take part in this, aren't you?" Adam asked.

"Of course, I am. There is no way I was going to turn that down." Noah replied.

Word Count: 877

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