Training Session

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Noah and Adam entered the outpost's large, sprawling training room. It had small shooting range for armed Monarch personnel and a nice array of fitness equipment, including a treadmill, spin bike, rowing machine and elliptical. Noah seemed rather impressed with the large array of stuff that was in the training room.

"I'm rather impressed. I have never seen a training room as cool as this." Noah thought to himself.

"Now Noah. This little training session is going to be a little different. It will not involve using the shooting range and any of the fitness equipment. We would like to have you show off some of your new abilities to some of best armed personnel at this outpost." Adam said.

Adam then gave Noah a large, metallic black right-hand glove with large black and blue fade spikes on the top and sharp black and blue fade claws on the fingers, as well as a black short sleeved shirt with blue highlights and a black pants that also had blue highlights. Noah was rather impressed.

 "Wow. What are those supposed to be? I have never seen something like this before." Noah asked.

This is a glove that some of the armed personnel created just for you. It is meant to represent Godzilla's strength with just his bare hands. It will help improve your melee strength and attacks. Also, you will have to change into these clothes. That way you will be able to seen as a real human Godzilla" Adam explained.

Noah then swiftly took the glove and inserted it into his right hand. He was rather impressed and surprised with how nicely the glove fit onto his hand. Noah then took the new shirt and pants and changed into them as well. After putting them on, he truly did see himself as the true human version of Godzilla.

"Damn. This actually feels quite nice. I am rather curious to see how this training session will turn out" Noah thought.

Just then, two more Monarch operatives, one male and one female entered the training room and approached Noah.

"Hello there. You must be Noah Harris. My name is Alan Smith and my partner here is Jane Stewart." The male operative introduced.

"We are both here to put you through a quick little training to let you show off some of your new skills and abilities since you are now the human version of Godzilla." Jane added.

"Very well then. Is there anything else I need to know about this little training session, Mr. Smith?" Noah asked.

Alan then pulled out a P300 assault rifle and a tactical nightstick, while Jane armed herself with a Glock 17 pistol and a shock baton. Noah became a little startled upon seeing these weapons.

"Ah. I guess there is going to be some weapons involved in this, correct?" he asked.

"Of course, Noah. This is going to be the true purpose of this training session Mr. Harris. The reason why these weapons are going to be involved is to show if you are immune to firearm damage just like Godzilla." Jane explained.

After hearing all of this, Noah was ready to start this training session.

"Very well then. Give me all you got. I'm ready when you are." Noah said as he clenched his fists and got himself into a fighting stance.

"Perfect. Let me go first. I am a very good fighter after all." Alan said.

With no time to waste, Alan instantly rushed towards Noah with his tactical nightstick. Noah quickly dodged Alan's quick nightstick strike and viscously struck him with tail, slamming Alan to the ground.

"Hah! Guess you were a bit too swift for that!" Noah said.

"Well, we are just getting started!" Alan added.

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