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Noah woke up after a long hour of sedation. He slowly began to look around the medical wing in confusion. He felt very confused and frightened as he noticed that Rachel and Louis were not there. Noah then noticed the female doctor that sedated him was sitting on a chair right next to him.

"Hey. What the hell just happened?" Noah asked.

Dr. Stacy noticed Noah waking up.

"Hello there Noah. I see you have woken up from your sedation." she said.

Noah wanted to know why Rachel and Louis were not present in the medical wing.

"I know. But I would like to know why my girlfriend Rachel isn't here." Noah said as he sat up on the exam table.

"She is currently outside of the medical wing with Louis Barnes." Stacy explained.

Just then Rachel and Louis arrived back at the medical wing along with a male Monarch operative, Adam Nelson.

"Noah! You're up!" Rachel exclaimed.

Noah instantly felt relieved to see Rachel.

"Rachel! Thank God you're here!" he said as he tightly hugged Rachel.

"Well, looks like you have awoken from your quick sedation Noah." Louis added.

Noah sat back down on the exam table, feeling a bit uneasy of what was going to happen next.

"I know. Now that both of you are here, I want to know what is going around here." Noah said.

"Glad you asked Noah. We must perform some observations on you. It seems like the Godzilla serum has worked too well on you." Louis explained as he took Noah into an observation room located in the back of the medical wing.

Noah felt very nervous about what was going to happen in the observation room.

"Oh god! Do I have put under sedation again?" he thought.

"Of course not young man. We are just going to run some very simple tests on you in the observation room." Adam said as he and Louis made their way into the observation room.

Once arriving in the observation room, Noah was placed onto a large adjustable exam chair. The observation room was surrounded by large ceiling lights, operating equipment and monitors. As soon as Noah was placed onto the exam chair, the sharp dorsal fins punctured and tore right through the surface.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! I can't lay down on my back with those spikes!" Noah panicked.

"Relax Noah. You have to lay down like this for a few minutes. Just remain calm." Adam said as he strapped Noah onto the exam chair.

Once Noah was strapped into the exam chair, Louis turned on the ceiling lights and monitors and Adam escorted Rachel back into the medical wing. Noah began to feel extremely unnerved as the monitors and lights in the observation room turned on.

"Oh god! This is not going to end well for me!" he thought to himself.

Dr. Nancy came into the observation room with a blood collection needle and a 4-milliliter blood sample container.

"I need to sample some of the blood in your body for the observations, Mr. Harris." She said as she placed the needle into Noah's left shoulder.

Noah gritted his teeth as the needle extracted 4-milliliters of blood from his shoulder. Once the blood was collected, Dr. Stacy removed the needle and placed the extracted blood into a sample container.

"There we go. I will take this blood sample to Mr. Barnes." she said.

"Ok. That's fine. Let's just get this over with." Noah said as he tried to calm himself down.

"Would you like to put under sedation again?" Dr. Stacy offered.

Noah knew that he was not going to be put in sedation for a second time.

"No ma'am. I'll be fine." Noah replied.

Dr. Stacy simply left the observation room so Noah could have some time to calm down. She then gave the blood sample container to Louis. Once Louis observed the blood extracted from Noah's body, he became surprised to see that Noah's blood had become mixed with the blood extracted from Godzilla's body.

"Look at this, it seems the blood in Noah's blood has become mixed with Godzilla's blood." Louis said as he read the results on the computer.

"I know. I didn't know that this would work this well on him" Dr. Stacy said.

Louis then continued the observations by scanning Noah's body with overhanging body scanners. The results revealed that Noah had of course harness some of Godzilla's distinguishing body features. These included sharp teeth, claws on his hands, yellow eyes and of course a large tail and razor-sharp dorsal fins on his back. Louis was completely surprised with what he was seeing.

"I just can't believe this! Noah has actually obtained some of the key features of Godzilla's body. This is just astonishing!" He said in disbelief.

Dr. Stacy was beyond words at this point.

Louis then decided that he has observed Noah enough. 

"Ok. I suppose it's time we let him out of this room." Louis said as he turned off all of the monitors and equipment in the observation room.

Louis then made his way into the observation room, where Noah was left in a bit of a daze following all of the observations.

"Louis. What's going to happen with me?" Noah asked.

"We will take of this situation. Right now, you need some much-needed rest." Louis said as he got Noah up off of the exam chair.

Louis took Noah out of the medical wing and to the hallway connecting the living suites.

"Louis! I'll take Noah to his suite and I'll talk to him about what will happen tomorrow." Rachel said as she approached Louis.

"No problem. Noah does need some rest after what had gone down tonight." Louis said as he left Rachel and Noah by themselves.

Rachel took Noah to his room. Noah felt worried about how his life was going to go for him after what just happened.

"How is everything going to go for me tomorrow?" He asked as he sat on his bed.

"Me and Louis will sort it all out. Right now, I want you to get some sleep. I love you." Rachel said as she made her way out of the room.

Once Rachel left the room, Noah laid down on his bed, flat on his chest. Dreading about how everything was going to go for him. After a while, Noah started to doze off to sleep.

Word Count: 1,023

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