Quick Update!

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Hello everyone! I would like to give out a quick update regarding a special announcement for future chapters of this story.

I will be introducing human versions of Mothra and Rodan into this story for Chapters 7 and onwards.

I will of course release description posts the human versions of Mothra and Rodan. However, I would like to see what interesting ideas I should give the human versions of Rodan and Mothra such as possible backstories for them, as well as some interesting names for them.

Another thing I would like to see, is some interesting ideas for future chapters in this story. This is after all my first time working on a story like this.

Also, I would like to say thank you to those that have checked this story out. I do highly appreciate it. Once more chapters get published, the number of reads on this story will of course go up.

Have an awesome day! 👍

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