Encounters Part 1

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After the training session, Noah had decided to go outside of Outpost 57 to properly admire the surroundings around him. Once he was outside, Noah felt that it was the same outside world that he was used to seeing. Though through his eyes, he would indeed have to change his perspective of the people around since he would risk being in seen as a threat since he was the human version of Godzilla.

"Whenever I venture outside of this outpost, I must avoid being around the other humans in San Diego because I do fear being seen as a possible threat." Noah thought to himself.

Just as Noah was looking around, he noticed a large plume of black smoke in the distance. He instantly realized that was a very serious fire going on.

"What the hell is going over there?" Noah thought.

Just then, Adam came rushing out of the outpost. He was notified by other Monarch personnel about the fire that Noah had discovered.

"Mr. Harris there is a winged man with supernatural powers attacking Monarch personnel and law enforcement at the San Elijo Lagoon and Ecological Reserve. Perhaps you should come with me and see what is going on." Adam said as he got inside his black Chevrolet Suburban.

Once Noah heard all of this, he wasted no time and got inside the Surburban.

"We have to get there quickly! We can let him put any of your personnel in danger." Noah said as jumped into the trunk of the Suburban.

After driving for 22 minutes, Noah and Adam arrived at the Sa Elijio Lagoon and Ecological Reserve. Adam quickly got out of the Suburban to see what was going on. A large majority of the grass fields of the reserve were up in flames.

"Do we have a better description of this suspect?" Adam asked.

"The suspect is wearing a dark red body armor. It also seems like he has these large red wings and is dawning pyromaniac like fire powers." a male officer replied.

Just then, the mysterious man viscously ambushed the group of officers and Monarch personnel, alongside Adam trying to stop his rampage.

Noah noticed what was going and was in complete shock at what he was seeing. He knew had to do something about it.

"Oh my god! I can't let this thing attack Adam and those officers and Monarch personnel!" Noah said.

Noah then busted out of the trunk of the Suburban and pinned the mysterious winged, flame-powered man to the ground.


"Don't worry! I'll take of care of this!" Noah said as he charged into the line of fire.

The officers and Monarch personnel were shocked to see the changes of Noah's appearance.

"What the hell is that?!?!?" a female Monarch personnel member asked in confusion and shock.

"Is that a human version of Godzilla?!?!?" another male officer asked.

"It's Noah! He has changed because of an experiment last night!" Adam replied.

As soon as Noah pinned the winged human to the ground, Noah managed to get a better view of what this mysterious man was. The man had olive colored skin, was standing at 5'4, had dark brown hair with a red fade at the top, fire orange eyes and of course dawned a large set of brown wings with a fire orange fade. He was also wearing long sleeved brown gloves, a dark red bomber jacket over dark red body armor on his chest and dark red combat pants.

"GAH! GET OFF OF MY YOU DAMN FREAK!" the winged pyromaniac man shouted as he struggled to get out of Noah's grasp.

"STOP! Don't make this more difficult than it has to be!" Noah said as he struggled to keep the winged attacker in place.

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