Chapter Five

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... [Daddy?] ◌ೄ

 [Daddy?] ◌ೄ

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Sitting in the library, I study for upcoming classes to be prepared. I don't know how I got into my studying phase, but I'm glad that I'm not procrastinating.
With my headphones on, I look through my book and write down important notes.
The music is motivating me, it seems. Or is it the chips I'm snacking?

However, when I see a person approaching me, I look up and pause the music.
The person is Sora Itoo, that girl from Kento's lecture.

Raising my brows, I look at the brunette while putting my headphones off. She sits down across from me, flashing me a smile as she puts down her bag.

"Hey, [Y/n]," she greets me nicely, "how is it going?"
I shrug my shoulders, taking chip into my mouth before answering.
"Good, I guess."

She places her thick books onto the table with a loud thud, looking around awkwardly since she was being a little too noisy.

Sighing, I raise a brow and take my headphones again, however, she interrupts me. And I can tell she seems to be a little talkative.
"I talked to Mr. Nanami yesterday."

What did she do?

I put my headphones back on the table and my eyes meet her grey ones. Raising my brows in interest, I try not to seem as nosy and curious as I am right now.

"Oh really?" I question, trying to sound as uninterested as possible, "What about?"
I flip through the pages of my books, hearing a deep exhale from her direction.

"Well, I tried to flirt with him, but it didn't work." she chuckles awkwardly, and as I look up to her once again she scratches the back of her head.
Slightly clenching my teeth, I can feel how my heart skips a beat or even two.
"He sadly has a wife," she says, "and two children."

I gulp.
My breath becomes shallow and I try to keep my cool.
She shrugs and sighs, a faint smile playing on her lips as she browses through her book.

I don't want to believe her. I can't believe her. Why should I believe her in the first place? He knows me better than her, maybe it was just an excuse to keep her away.
But maybe he didn't tell me the truth so he could continue secretly using my pussy for his fun.

My grip around my book tightens and I curse myself for almost crumbling a few of the pages.

She looks at me, with raised brows.
"Are you okay?" she asks unknowingly.
I close my book and grab my bag before getting up from my seat.
"I need to go somewhere."

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