Chapter Eight

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... [First Date] ◌ೄ

 [First Date] ◌ೄ

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Buttoning the last buttons of my shirt, I let out a relieved sigh.
Today is the first date of [Y/n] and me in public. Without any worries that someone could see us. Because I'm not her professor anymore.

I should feel relieved and grateful. But why am I so nervous? My heart races, bumping against my chest as if asking to jump out.

Looking into my mirror, I tie my tie, noticing how my expression does not show anything of the nervousness I feel. Maybe I'm not so nervous, after all.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

"Are you feeling nervous?" she asks me, her expression playful and amused while her hand lies on top of mine.
I hold the menu in my other hand, trying to seem as nonchalant and calm as I always am. But she's driving me over the edge of passion.

"No," I lie, my voice husky, "Fine, maybe a little."
A soft chuckle escapes her red lips. Red, the color she seduced me with. The color that represents the fire within her, the arousal and lust we feel when we're together.

"There's no need to." she utters, a smile playing on her face as she talks to me.

We pause our conversation when our food arrives, being served by polite waiters. The smell of the freshly cooked meat rises into my nose, causing my stomach to growl softly.
I take my glass of wine, sipping on the red liquid and tasting the fruitiness on my tongue.
Letting out a deep sigh, I enjoy the red wine rolling down my throat.

"I hope you'll like the meal." I speak up as we begin to eat, cutting the flesh with our sharp knifes. "I have an amazing dessert for you in store."

She flashes me a sharp grin, knowing what I'm talking about.
I feel how her leg finds its way between mine, and she presses her shoe sole against my crotch.
I inhale sharply through my parted lips. My mouth is watering slightly, and not because of the food on our plates.

There's something else I want to eat out very badly. And I can't wait to taste it on my tongue just like the wine in my glass.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

"Your pussy tastes so good, [Y/n]," I purr against her slick folds, running my tongue over her clit and causing her to shudder.

The windows of my car are already foggy as the heat of our bodies radiate inside.

Her legs are widely spread while she lies in the back row of my car, and I'm sitting right between them, eating her out in a delicate and slow way.

Jerking her hips against my mouth, she shows arousal and eagerness for more and her hot wetness sticks onto my lips.
"So sweet." I breathe, massaging her folds with my index and middle finger while my tongue circles around her clit.

Her moans and whimpers of pleasure sound like a delightful melody to my ears, causing my thick shaft to harden even further. I'm so hard that it almost hurts at this point.

Kissing and sucking on her clit, I begin to slowly thrust my fingers into her dampness, feeling how her tight flesh clenches around me. I can tell she's getting close by the things I do to her and I can't wait for her to squirt all over my face.

"Oh fuck, Kento," she moans in ecstasy, burying her hand in my hair to press my face further against her slick crotch.
She eagerly grinds her hips against my tongue and fingers, and I speed up the pace of my thrusts as my fingers fuck her.

Rolling her eyes in lust, she arches her back, giving me better access to her damp pussy that loves my touches. Every inch of her body trembles and shudders in arousal, ready to give in to the feeling of satisfaction.

A loud groan leaves her mouth and her nectar squirts all over my lips, tasting as sweet as honey. My grip on her thighs tightens and I eagerly lick her folds clean, savoring each drop of her juices.

I grind my hips against the seat, thrusting forward in the same rhythm as my tongues slides over her slickness.

"Kento," she breaths, sitting up and getting rid of her shirt. Her soft breasts touch my chest as she comes closer, and a pleasant shudder overcomes me and causes my body to tremble. "I wanna ride you."

Biting my lower lip in a sensual way, I sit up on the seat and guide her onto my lap by grabbing her hips.
My rock hard shaft pokes her folds as she slowly sits down on it.

Grinding herself on me, she rubs her clit against my hard cock, causing us both to moan out loud. The sensation of her movements on me drives me closer to the edge and I can't wait to come inside her and fill her up. Just the thought of it makes me crazy.

Her nectar coats my shaft which is already leaking precum, eagerly throbbing against her slick folds that are awaiting my hardness inside her.

My hands dig into the skin of her hips and I lean close to her neck, sucking and biting on it to mark her as mine.
Her moans only motivate me to go on, but she surprises me by rubbing herself on me in a faster pace. I can feel how her clit throbs against my twitching cock, and she's torturing me with her movements.

"Fuck me, [Y/n]," I growl low in my throat, "be a good girl and ride me."

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