Chapter Four

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... [Caught] ◌ೄ

 [Caught] ◌ೄ

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I sit in my office, correcting exams while drinking a black coffee. The scent of the hot drink rises into my nostrils, keeping me awake.

Stretching my arms over my head, I yawn softly.
I crack my fingers which felt stiff from all the writing, and lean back on my office chair.
I look out of the window.
It's dark already. Not because it's late, but because it's winter - my favorite season.
I prefer the cold over the hot, and the snowy days over the sunny days.

A knock on my door pulls me out of my thoughts, so I sit up straight on my chair again.
I clear my throat and fix my tie before speaking up.
If that's [Y/n]...
"Come in."

After my voice echoes through the door, a few seconds pass before the person opens it and steps in.
A young-looking female comes into my sight, her brown hair lying on her shoulders. With her grey eyes she looks at me, her cheeks pink.
"Mr. Nanami?" she utters shyly, closing the door behind her.

I raise a brow. She can't even hold the eye contact with me.
"Yeah?" I pause, my voice lingering in the room for a moment, "What do you need?"

Her eyes shift to the exam papers in front of me before glancing into mine again. The expression on her face looks implying, as if trying to tell me something. However, I don't understand this woman nor do I know her.

"Is there my exam?" she asks, stepping forward.
So she's an economics student.
I sigh and look down at the exam papers, massaging my temple.
"What's your name?"
"Sora Itoo."

And what a coincidence. The exam I was correcting until now was hers. What a perfect timing to knock on my door.
"Well then, yes, I was just correcting your exam."

The female nods, stepping closer and propping her arms on the backrest of the chair that stands across from my desk.
Without saying anything she stands there, looking at the papers and files on my desk.

I raise a brow.
What does she want from me? Her intense stare is confusing me, and I can't sense what she may be thinking right now.

"Is something wrong—"
"I need a good grade."
She cuts me off, looking up into my eyes with her cold grey ones. It's like she's piercing me with her gaze now, intending to do something.
She leans closer, above my desk. Her shyness seems to have disappeared.

"Mr. Nanami, you're my favorite professor." she speaks, a slight frown apparent on her forehead, causing her expression to look helpless - or rather needy. "What can I do to get a good grade from you?"

I narrow my brows in confusion and irritation. What is she trying?
"Miss Itoo, I don't know why you are asking this," I reply, folding my hands on my desk,
"Obviously, you have to study for a good grade. Just like any other student."

Her lips part and she lets out a heavy and shaky exhale. She is almost towering over my desk at this point, leaning down so that her shirt reveals her cleavage to me - fully.
However, my eyes stay on hers. It's not like any woman could easily seduce me like [Y/n] did.

"Mr. Nanami, I want to do you something good." she breaths, almost pleadingly. "And then you'll give me a good grade, alright?"

Her hand finds its way to her breast, caressing it until her nipple hardens below the thin fabric of her shirt. She doesn't even wear a bra - it seems like she planned all of this.

Widening my eyes, I gulp and my muscles tense up.
"Miss Itoo, I'm not doing this." I state firmly, "I have a wife and two kids." This might be a lie, but I don't find any other way out of this situation.

Still, she seems like she would do whatever it costs to get what she wants. Just the way she looks at me - so serious and eager.

"They don't have to know about this, Kento."
Her breath is heavy and she starts to unbutton her shirt, almost ripping the buttons off.

"For you I am Mr. Nanami," I pause, "and now please get dressed."

Her shirt lands on the floor and her torso is exposed to me. A pair of soft breasts look into my direction, the hardened nipples showing her eagerness and need.

Just when she is about to climb on top of my desk, I stand up, gritting my teeth.
"Miss Itoo, I'm not going to repeat myself. Get dressed and immediately leave my office."

Her expression shows pure disappointment and annoyance as she hears the words I tell her.
Stepping back, she grabs her shirt and puts it on. A sigh escapes her lips.

"I thought you and Miss [L/n] did that too." she utters knowingly and innocently, looking into my eyes with a reproachful expression.

My eyes widen at her statement and I feel how my veins on my neck are visible below my thin skin. I gulp and try to act as composed as always, but the shock overcomes me.

"I don't know what you mean." I reply firmly, feeling how sweat forms on the back of my neck.

Rolling her eyes, she lets out a snort.
"Oh please," she laughs snappishly, "I heard it."

Slowly approaching the door, she mocks the lustful moans and sounds of me and [Y/n].
Her moans turn into laughter until she grabs the door handle.
"Anyways," she whispers, "I hope I'll get a good grade."

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