Rivers, Lakes, and Ponds

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Fresh water to drink,
Duck weeds tend not to sink.
Verdant grass besieges the lake,
Along with rivers and ponds, He made.

Streams so quickly and gently,
The river runs along beautifully.
Winter haunts it, frigid and concrete,
Every night it was placid, yet depleted.

A dwindling face of the lake,
Made me cry in distress and shake.
Red, brown, and blue—
Day and night without any clues.

The eclipsed sun phantoms,
Aloft the pond full of mysteries.
Wish and you'll be gifted,
Abuse and you'll get cursed.

Turn those waters
Into solid rock matters.
Heretofore it torments me every night,
The tick of the pendulum counts my fight.

Reinvention: A Comprehensive Metamorphosis Of A Young Adult (Anthology II)Where stories live. Discover now