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There are 3 trails to take
That leads to the deepest lake
Besieged by humongous columns
At the center is the geriatric dungeon.

The first trail stood up
Narrowed cobblestones gaps
Creeping critters forcefully hid
Deep to the earth attempting to attain the seed.

My feet reached the second trail
It existed for ages with violated rails
Hazy canopies of dark oaks
Like someone's eyeing me and trying to poke me.

Now I have arrived at the last trail
Silent, damp, and heavy hail
I can see the dungeon from afar
Above the lake fended by enormous bars.

As I take a deep breath in its ambiance
I can scent the first trail, solid at first glance
It occupied my senses, up to my mentality
The incense vacated and made me solitary.

Reinvention: A Comprehensive Metamorphosis Of A Young Adult (Anthology II)Where stories live. Discover now