The First Flight

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I step on my trembling feet,
To the edge of the precipice, which was so neat.
The world was not discerning,
My head feels free but bleeding.

They gave me a chance to evade,
The vicious dens they made.
I cannot steer, I lost my friction,
Until I was in a dilapidated condition.

It was a dreadful flight,
Cold and lonely night.
My lamp losing its kerosene,
Only the moon gleams that sing refrains.

Three golden fireflies,
Lit up the canopy until the night dies.
They impart me their wisdom,
Now I'm back to my kingdom.

18 years is not forever,
Pages were stuck together.
Write lines that portray,
The first flight escapes the haze.

Reinvention: A Comprehensive Metamorphosis Of A Young Adult (Anthology II)Where stories live. Discover now