Thousand Miles

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The sun sets here—
The moon sets there.
Making love with the thread of gold—
Thousands of miles that it unfold.

I kept thinking what do you do—
I asked myself if you're fine.
And every time you walk on the aisle—
Your mind is drenched with thoughts of mine.

We made love that was thousands of miles—
But we felt like it was just a meter away.
My love for you is longer than the Nile—
And blooming every start of May.

I don't blame you for being so far away
It's the fate that binds us.
You are irreplaceable, that's what I say—
Your love is boundless and has no rust.

Thousands of miles but we were still together—
Thousands of reasons that I have once you docked—
Thousands of pages that will take forever—
Thousands of men but I chose to be with you.

Reinvention: A Comprehensive Metamorphosis Of A Young Adult (Anthology II)Where stories live. Discover now