Summer and Fall

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Amidst the shifting seasons' sway,
We two danced like seagulls at bay.
The grass beneath our nimble feet,
Was tender green, and oh so sweet.

Persimmons ripe and birds in flight,
The warm sun heralded the day's light.
Children's laughter filled the air,
Their joyous souls without a care.

Summer waned, and fall drew near,
Yellow breeze rolling, crisp and clear.
But we, forever painted red,
As lovers' stories oft are said.

Cinnamon buns sweetened the air,
Butterscotch schnapps to drink and share.
Diving into the waters, running free,
Ducks waddling, flapping with glee.

Between summer and fall's embrace,
Our hearts are entwined in love's sweet grace.
Forever bound, our passion true,
Like seagulls dancing, just us two.

Reinvention: A Comprehensive Metamorphosis Of A Young Adult (Anthology II)Where stories live. Discover now